Tied Down
Apple looks like they decided they finally have to get serious about corporate OSX controls.
They bought Fleetsmith.
Kinda did that quietly right around WWDC and said nothing much.
They also gutted it features-wise, claiming many of the features will be baked into next OSX. Which explains why they did it quietly.
Users are ticked and swarming to JAMF for now. LOL. Our JAMF sales guy says his phone exploded.
Couple of years they’ll have it stable and bugs worked out... maybe. But it’s good to see they finally decided they have to play.
Modern security controls and audits... wait for no man. LOL.
They bought Fleetsmith.
Kinda did that quietly right around WWDC and said nothing much.
They also gutted it features-wise, claiming many of the features will be baked into next OSX. Which explains why they did it quietly.
Users are ticked and swarming to JAMF for now. LOL. Our JAMF sales guy says his phone exploded.
Couple of years they’ll have it stable and bugs worked out... maybe. But it’s good to see they finally decided they have to play.
Modern security controls and audits... wait for no man. LOL.