Forgot the other part...
Learn about robber-barrons? You think we got rid of them? LOL! Awesome. The media brainwashing is working. You're not going to compete with a modern robber-baron!
This country's systems are specifically *designed* to support and maintain robber-barrons. Most folks are just trying to figure out how to become one.
Step one is realizing what George Calin said was right. "It's a big club, and you're not in it."
WARNING: Language. Don't start the video if you can't handle George's language...
An example... Copyright... Should die when the individual dies. Disney makes a bloody fortune off of dead people's stuff, for example. They even get non-permanent permanent TFRs over their businesses. Huge power. And they paid $4,000,000,000 for George Lucas' "little" movie company. They hire artists and pay them a fraction of what the art makes them now. Normal American "iconic" business.
Just one example. There's tons. Most are codified in things called "law".
Lawyers spend lifetimes making sure the power stays with those who have the means to pay them. This is not news. Most folks don't state it that way, but that's the nitty gritty of it.
You can't become Walt Disney today, if you tried. You think you'd be able to build a cartoon company into something powerful enough to request permanent TFRs over their business facilities?? Right.
And you sure as heck can't start a phone company big enough to compete with the Big Three (Four).
Going to start the next big Football, Baseball, or other sports league? Haha. Even college games are just NCAA maintaining a nice place to live for their slaves (literally, the kids can't be paid! Brilliant!) while they get an "education". That whole game is nothing but recruiting fresh meat every year. Does it make the kids who get recruited lives better? Sure! But they're not being handed tenure at graduation. See ya. Hope the NFL picks you up!
America *loves* our robber-barrons. That isn't going to change. One guy in a million figures out how to become one.
Did you know the government tried to strip Henry Ford of his business because they claimed he wasn't smart enough to run such a large successful powerful organization by himself after he built it? They held Congressional hearings about whether or not Ford Motor Company could remain under his control? He wasn't part of the in crowd then, you see.
When they tried to nail down his knowledge of various business topics, he said he had a telephone, a relatively new technology... where he could call any expert on anything and ASK them. Holy cow... What a game changer!
Henry Ford got to remain in charge of his own business, because he had a phone. Seriously.
And that loops back around to the phone monopoly. Cool how it all interrelates, isn't it?
Sooooo... Apple is the modern boogieman. Big whoop. They're the so-called robber-barons. Fine.
We used the stuff the Rockefeller built, and we'll use the stuff that Apple built.
If you think they're bad, wait for the next one. And the one after that. And after that. We will keep making more robber-barons... That's what we do! (I have no problem with that. Barron away, barrons. I doubt I'll be invited to the party.)