AOPA Webinar - Gov't Searches of Aircraft

Maybe my memory is faulty, but I remember seeing some statistic someplace that the vast majority of pilots flying single engine pistons are in the middle class economically.
Given that there about as many definitions of "middle class" as there are families it seems likely that the majority of private piston singles fit into at least one of them.

One of the simplest definitions is "people who actually work for a living or did before reaching retirement age". If you are living off accumulated wealth you're too rich for the middle and if you're living off government handouts you're too poor. Everything else is "in the middle".
When Marco Rubio signed the renewal of the Patriot act, that was the end of the potential turn around. The fix is indeed in. No one ever gives up power willingly. It's going to need to be taken, and most likely by force. Even if it got to the SCOTUS we've been had. They just rubber stamp everything that isn't related to gays.
I listened to this last night.

My take on it..Know your rights.....In force your rights....But be polite....and as they walk all over your rights.....Shut the F### Up....

Make sure all your paper work is in order and up to date and correct.....

My Take on it........
Pretty much... and much the same advice as the practicing attorneys on this board have given in other recent threads.

And yes, Chris Rock nailed it too...