Anyone want to retrieve this F-150?

Any girl driving a pickup truck automatically gets ten extra hotness points. Queen bees for sure. ;)
Unless it's lifted 10 inches, has suspension like a brick and broken air conditioning, has tires so big it can't get out of its own way, and never leaves the pavement. Like the POS Chevy I rode in the other day. Really, I'm grateful for the ride, but that doesn't add "hotness points."
You ^^^ ain't from around these here parts are ya ? ;)
You ^^^ ain't from around these here parts are ya ? ;)
I used to own a lifted Bronco II. There is a right way to do it and a wrong way. Airing mud tries up to 35 PSI on pavement is the wrong way. And it's just posing if it never leaves pavement.

Lifted trucks are not rare around here.
:rolleyes: ...tsk, you're so serious all the time. I was just jokin'.
We had a swarm of honey bees in our basement a couple years ago, they were above the suspended ceiling! Several thousand of them, we had a local bee keeper come and remove them, he was happy to get them and I was happy for them to leave!
Unless it's lifted 10 inches, has suspension like a brick and broken air conditioning, has tires so big it can't get out of its own way, and never leaves the pavement. Like the POS Chevy I rode in the other day. Really, I'm grateful for the ride, but that doesn't add "hotness points."

You're not supposed to ride in it with her. Hotness points always only work from afar.

Remember, it doesn't matter how hot she is, someone somewhere is tired of her ****!
