Anyone recommend a Tampa area CFI?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Aug 29, 2022
Lakeland, FL
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Greetings, all... "new guy" here- been sim flying with X-Plane for a couple of months to get a clue, ready to get real.

I'm looking to take an online PPL course, and locate a CFI to get in a couple of flights per month as I slowly work towards a PPL.

Seeking recommendations for both- I've seen a lot of positive feedback for King Schools online; any opinions?

When it comes to establishing a relationship with a CFI, logic tells me that's critical.
Are all CFI's affiliated with/work for an FBO, or can they be independent as well?
If anyone knows a CFI they'd recommend in the Tampa area, it would be much appreciated.

Yeah- I'm a bit late getting into this endeavor. Wanted to learn to fly decades ago- and now that my son's a newly-minted USAF pilot, I'm trying to follow in his footsteps, lol...

Thanks in advance for any input/advice.
Oh, forgot to mention...

King has several free courses online. Try a couple and see how you like their style. It’s not 100% necessary to do a formal course, BTW. Many of us just did self-study and used some free online materials and practice tests. Do whatever best suits your learning preferences.
Thanks, good points. There's definitely a plethora of info available, lots of it very good- and some not so much...
The FAA Airplane Flying Handbook was a good place to start, but I was thinking a more "structured" approach- as in learning the material in appropriate sequence is important.
Online course would do that- but certainly can be done otherwise.
I'm out of KBKV, but can make arrangements to go to Tampa if needed.