When I was looking for a 114, I found one for sale that was really amazing. However, I discovered some pictures online of it several years ago UP TO THE FLOORBOARDS in water after a hurricane in FL
While they may have successfully cleaned it up when it was restored, I decided to pass on it because I wondered if there could still be salt lurking in some nooks and crannies that would bite me later.
Which is ironic, because I'm wondering if the same thing happened to the Archer I bought. At some point it was totally revamped, including newer avionics. I had a thorough prebuy that didn't find any corrosion or other evidence of problems, so I went ahead & bought it anyway.
The best you can do with these older planes is get the best pre-buy you can, inspect the logs, and hope for the best
I don't think anyone has mentioned her, but there's a
broker (Judy) at Suncoast Aviation who has the scoop on just about every Commander out there. I asked her about a few of the ones I found and she was able to tell me about their histories, including sometimes knowing the people who own(ed) them.