Anyone else following the young pilot in the FB groups? PPL to 777 in 3 months?

No one. No one said he wasn't either. So I was trying to remember what the shortest realistic path might be for him.
I figured he wanted a 777 type rating just for the heck of it, which would seem to be the only valid reason.
Not only is the kid back, but he's posting under the hashtag #youkilledkenny

His latest:
"Here is my message to a few select airline pilots:
Have you recovered from an inverted flat spin? I have. Did you fly into a Class B as a private pilot? I have. Never underestimate the student pilot who walks into your cockpit. I've trained with Sean D Tucker. He's a friend of mine. He asked me to hold a ribbon pole at Oshkosh this year. He taught me to never allow the emotional baggage exceed the W&B limits of the aircraft. If you are depressed, struggle with addiction, or have low self-esteem. Seek help. Don't hide it. Your peers will respect you more for it. I have a private pilot certificate but I consider myself a life-long student of the art form

I feel bad for the guy, as he obviously is sick. I don't think he's a troll. I think he's a pathological liar who, in some way, really believes what he says.
He flew into Class B as a Private Pilot? The daredevil! It's madness!
Where is he posting now?

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Where is he posting now?

He's keeping it on his facebook profile page for now. I only noticed it because someone was sharing all of his posts into the AOPA Members group this morning. Thankfully that person (or the group admins) deleted it all.
Hate to say it but there is enough he has said publicly that would warrant an emergency revocation with direction to seek help, I would think...

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I know 1200 was for Part 135, not sure if it's that for 121 too.
The Facebook profile photo of him in a coat & tie, with a silver airliner lapel pin, in front of the American Airlines Flight Academy building is a nice touch.
He sent me a message this morning stating he was no longer going to fly for the airlines but that he was going into Aviation law. And then right after that posted a picture of himself in front of the American Airlines training center in Fort Worth. I think I'm going to leave town.
Just saw someone post that they go to the same flight school as he does, and that the owners are now aware of everything. Also looks like he's been reported to a few higher places as well. Since he tore up his medical last night, I guess he's done. I feel sad for him, but he has no business flying until he gets help.
One can only hope he stays far far away from aviation.
Getting a more complete picture. Glad I stay away from the aviation groups on FB...
Wow. Just read through the posts on the AOPA Members FB page...yikes
In the forums om AOPA? Can't seem to find it.

It's a Facebook group called AOPA Members. He was posting stuff in other groups as well, but that was the primary one.

I knew a guy like him once... desperately sought attention and acceptance. Sadly, his story ended in suicide and a lot of people wishing they had been kinder and more empathetic.

The people who need to know about this guy on Facebook now know, so hopefully others will lay off at lashing out at him. That was definitely the biggest social media sabotage I've seen someone do on their own life.
Thanks Cajun, think I'm better off just reading my usual sites. Yes it's very sad, hopefully he gets some help.
Not only is the kid back, but he's posting under the hashtag #youkilledkenny

His latest:
"Here is my message to a few select airline pilots:
Have you recovered from an inverted flat spin? I have. Did you fly into a Class B as a private pilot? I have. Never underestimate the student pilot who walks into your cockpit. I've trained with Sean D Tucker. He's a friend of mine. He asked me to hold a ribbon pole at Oshkosh this year. He taught me to never allow the emotional baggage exceed the W&B limits of the aircraft. If you are depressed, struggle with addiction, or have low self-esteem. Seek help. Don't hide it. Your peers will respect you more for it. I have a private pilot certificate but I consider myself a life-long student of the art form

I feel bad for the guy, as he obviously is sick. I don't think he's a troll. I think he's a pathological liar who, in some way, really believes what he says.

Though it's really hard to tell from a series of posts, and I'm far from a professional in the field, he sure looks bipolar to me.

Having performed with a couple of those, they can be a handful. On their "up" phase, they honestly believe they are extraordinarily good at what they do. Reality is quite the opposite. Most recently, I played next to a trumpet player who claimed perfect pitch and excellent sight reading, but couldn't get a basic bugle solo over an entire two week run, couldn't tell his third valve was (very) sharp, and had a tone like a cat in heat. And afterward, he said he was looking forward to other gigs now that he has "broken in." That ain't gonna happen. Oh, and he blamed the music director for having too few rehearsals. While we could have used one or two more, that wasn't why he was missing stuff after two weeks. As the only other brass player, I had to cover for him quite a bit, to the point of taking some of his solos. I hesitate to do that. Gabriel's trumpet became a trombone....
Though I certainly second the advice to lay off the kid and diffuse the engagement for the sake of his mental health, ultimately it is the parents that need to come to grips with their child's internet interaction and address it. That's why they're legal guardians. Maybe they've known about it for a long time and they're just fatigued, I can empathize with that. But this thing is ultimately on them.
The kid is in his mid 20s he isn't a minor...

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He is back on FB and claiming he is going to ERAU in the fall and doing a class at the National Test Pilot School.
I understood those to be Fedex's requirement. That's why I used the word 'legally' in my question. I think that's 1,200 hours.
Legally? The same as any 121 Flag carrier. ATP (could be restricted) and second class medical. But here's the rub. If he was going to try and parlay his 777 type rating into a job with FedEx (or any other US 121 Flag carrier), he would need an unrestricted ATP since to fly as SIC in operations that require more than one pilot (which the 777 mostly does), you need to have an unrestricted ATP and a first class medical.

Either way, looking at the rest of the posts on here, it's not going to happen anyway.
On their "up" phase, they honestly believe they are extraordinarily good at what they do. Reality is quite the opposite.

I believe I am extraordinarily bad and and frequently told that I am. So I guess that means I'm not bipolar?
This kid flies out of the same airport. Haven't met him though. Some of posts are a bit out there. Claims he is buying a cirrus. He posted some about being bullie#stopcyberbullying. Then he seems to have vanished.
I joined the AOPA FB group. Didn't last a day before I was so fed up of the news feed being flooded with inane selfies and boring photographs of peoples wings that I gave up on it.
I joined the AOPA FB group. Didn't last a day before I was so fed up of the news feed being flooded with inane selfies and boring photographs of peoples wings that I gave up on it.

Basically, yep. Not to mention that a lot of the guys there seem to get their boxers in a bunch over the littlest things.