Not only is the kid back, but he's posting under the hashtag #youkilledkenny
His latest:
"Here is my message to a few select airline pilots:
Have you recovered from an inverted flat spin? I have. Did you fly into a Class B as a private pilot? I have. Never underestimate the student pilot who walks into your cockpit. I've trained with Sean D Tucker. He's a friend of mine. He asked me to hold a ribbon pole at Oshkosh this year. He taught me to never allow the emotional baggage exceed the W&B limits of the aircraft. If you are depressed, struggle with addiction, or have low self-esteem. Seek help. Don't hide it. Your peers will respect you more for it. I have a private pilot certificate but I consider myself a life-long student of the art form."
I feel bad for the guy, as he obviously is sick. I don't think he's a troll. I think he's a pathological liar who, in some way, really believes what he says.