Anybody wanna fly Mavericks' Big Waves off California?

Here's the surfcams. I'll fly down, either GA or on jet.

Not a great picture, but it looked pretty mellow for Mavericks. It get's a heck of a lot bigger than that. Problem with Mav's this time of year is it's sooo freaking cold. I'd wear a drysuit with battery powered thermal wear underneath and battery socks as well, and traction on your board with dry booties on isn't that great. Nahhh, I'll wait for Florida later in the year....Three days before a hurricaine is a great time.
Not a great picture, but it looked pretty mellow for Mavericks. It get's a heck of a lot bigger than that. Problem with Mav's this time of year is it's sooo freaking cold. I'd wear a drysuit with battery powered thermal wear underneath and battery socks as well, and traction on your board with dry booties on isn't that great. Nahhh, I'll wait for Florida later in the year....Three days before a hurricaine is a great time.

When I said "fly", I meant overfly the big waves for PIX, maybe land seaplane nearby with observation boats, not surf the waves!

Yeah, I hate being in cold water too, no matter what.