Any old rugby players?

455 Bravo Uniform

Final Approach
Aug 18, 2015
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455 Bravo Uniform
Watching Texas A&M beating Baylor 24-7. Lots different than watching pro. Reminded me how much I loved the game, even though I was not that good.

What positions did you play?
How many years?
College? Other?

I played in college, Junior and Senior year. I was a back, weak side winger. Fastest guy was on the other wing.
Eighthman. Jr High, Sr High, freshman college. Then the demands of engineering school took over. Grade 10 was our best year; undefeated season, won the District and Regional Jr High championships. Thanks for prompting the long ago memories!
There are bold rugby players, but I suspect there are no old rugby players. There may be old former rugby players though. Tough game. I knew a few players when I was that age, they always looked like they'd just been in a fight.
Wow... a college rugby game on Tv.??

My former brother in law played rugby for A&M back in the mid 70s. At one point they didn't have enough players to field a team. So it was arranged where I could play home games. NCAA rules were not as strict back then. I was a Jr in high school at the time, and on the football team. I was a defensive safety, not a line backer. I only played in 5 rugby games.

I was ejected from one rugby game for being too rough. Never thought of rugby as a rough game since.
There are bold rugby players, but I suspect there are no old rugby players. There may be old former rugby players though. Tough game. I knew a few players when I was that age, they always looked like they'd just been in a fight.
Got that right. That sport will turn you into an old decrepit man prematurely.
It was on a channel called Eleven. I never scroll above the 350s on DirecTV, but last night was somewhere in the 500s. Found it by accident.

I didn’t see a whole lot of injuries. Certainly nothing that needed someone taken to the hospital or carted off the field.

My worst injury was my jaw...couldn’t close it right for a couple days, wouldn’t align right. I ran into a stiff arm trying to stop another winger at full tilt.

Worst injury I saw was our team captain who got decked pretty good and he was lights-out for about 15 seconds. I only noticed it cuz I was on the sideline at the time and saw his eyes close, but the play continued because it wasn’t unusual to lay on the ground for a few seconds to cover your head and then gather it up and resume play.

The post-game parties with the opposing team were sometimes a bit nuts...
The husband of a high school English teacher of mine (and a student of my dad's) played rugby. The wife (my teacher) would wear a lapel button in class that would get a teacher fired today. It said, "It takes leather balls to play rugby". Take it any way you want and it was true.