Final Approach
"Forever" from what date? I bet George W didn't think he had it (today's headline):Coronary artery disease is forever. It can be managed but not cured.
From when did he?
"Forever" from what date? I bet George W didn't think he had it (today's headline):Coronary artery disease is forever. It can be managed but not cured.
"Forever" from what date? I bet George W didn't think he had it (today's headline):
From when did he?
I meant that it does not go away when established."Forever" from what date? I bet George W didn't think he had it (today's headline):From when did he?
I know, it was a rhetorical question. The point is, the Federal Air Surgeon would have been honored to have issued GW a First Class medical the day before his stress test, probably even made a little speech on the occasion as an example of how pilots should take care of themselves. So, the law is flawed--CAD is in all of us. Making it illegal to fly only if you find out, like GW, is wrong. If GW was a good enough risk the day before his stress test, he's a better risk now that he knows it and can make lifestyle changes.I meant that it does not go away when established.
...for $1,000. And they can't issue the certificate. It's on the border of exploitative.There is a company called Virtual Flight Surgeons who know the Fight Surgeons at the FAA and if you pay them for their services, they are able to work with the FAA and get your medical back in a shorter time.
currently, about 105 days. If associated with a new exam, shorter.I had my stints done in 2005 and have had good checkups ever since. I have 9 hours under my belt and had my physical done last week. Dr. is sending my EKG and previous history in now. How long does it take for FAA to review and provide a response (approx) ?
I would choose the work, "refined", to the high risk groups. And, "it's about time!".News today is that the recommendation for statins has been expanded.