Any kind of audible radio wind weather station for private airports?


Pre-takeoff checklist
Jun 11, 2020
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Hi Ya'll, a friend of mine who lives at a private fly-in community were chatting about how hard it is to know what the wind is doing on the ground when coming in to land because there's no AWOS. I imagine this problem must effect almost all fly-in communities. We were thinking it would be great if there was just like a mini AWOS where it only reports wind speed and direction and automatically broadcasts in a computerized voice over the radio. Is anyone aware of something like this for private airports?

I know there's the "overfly the field and observe the windsock" technique, but honestly, I find it extremely difficult to see the windsock on the ground while flying at 1,500 feet AGL (and I have 20/20 vision). I know I'm not the only one. I know you can also check the ATIS at neighboring airports, but what about when your private airport is over 5 miles from the nearest public airport?

Just wondering if anyone is aware of an auto broadcasting wind solution that gives the up to the second wind speed and direction and just states for example "Two three zero at five" over the designated radio frequency over and over again every few seconds. I also imagine that the owner of any private airport who wanted to implement said system (if it exists) would have to submit some kind of application to the FCC to get a radio frequency allocated for this purpose.

Any help on this front would be appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Thank you Brad and George! Very helpful. Appreciate it.
There’s one in use at X04. Don’t know what it is but you could call the airport and ask. Click the mic 4 times on CTAF and it automatically transmits wind, baro, temp, and density altitude.
I have a commercial WX station I am going to try and get up and running at our field. Currently I just use the info from a airport a few miles away.
Get a wifi weather station like an Accurite or LaCrosse and connect it the Weather Underground. Bookmark the page and check weather from your cell phone.