The commandment reads exclusive of nothing... All life puts thought energy into the universe, even plants, you can hook an EEG up to one and watch it 'scream' when you cut it. It's the extinguishing of that energy, the only thing that life produces to the universe that is what is 'forbidden'. Obviously since we need to eat, there must be sanctions in that provision, so lets analyze the why and what available with regards to the final result of thought energy output. The universe is segregated into known positive and negative everything except Gravity where there is a high likelihood the opposite will be found in what we now term 'dark matter'. So likly the prohibition on killing revolves around the thought energy result of that extinguishment, ie, "Why did we kill, what were we thinking?" and the net gain or loss of positive thought energy at the end of the process. This is exemplified Biblically in the admonition to give a prayer of thanks for your meal as prayer is thought and as typically taught, positive thought. So you see, the act of hunting is in itself a neutral act, what makes it bad or good is the net outcome of positive or negative thought produced.
Similarly the same logic and reasoning can be brought to bear on the theft of a plane that leaves the the owner with happy thoughts of finally getting rid of his airplane for more than he was asking while you have the fun of using it. The net result is positive thought energy making the end result ok. Therefore, if you steal the plane to hunt for dinner and give a prayer of thanks while the owner gives his own prayer of thanks for finally being rid of that money hole, it's all good.