Any female pilot forums out there?

So, in the decade that Babes & Airplanes has been around has it managed to cure the problem of why so many women aren't pilots?

It's not looking to be a cure, it's looking to provide a place where women pilots (and well meaning frogs) can talk.

I don't think the OP was looking for a place leading a crusade. Even the 99's don't do that.

It's not looking to be a cure, it's looking to provide a place where women pilots (and well meaning frogs) can talk.

I don't think the OP was looking for a place leading a crusade. Even the 99's don't do that.


I was responding to this, the first topic she stated:

Topics? Well, like I said on another forum where I posted this thread, topics would include issues about why there are so few women pilots and how to help with that.

It's a hot topic that pilots always want to "help" with. I was just pointing out that most people don't want any help with that.
It's not looking to be a cure, it's looking to provide a place where women pilots (and well meaning frogs) can talk.

I don't think the OP was looking for a place leading a crusade. Even the 99's don't do that.

Exactly! Thanks. :)
Out of all the people I've had in a plane, less than half of the non pilots took the controls when offered.
When I was a mapping pilot I would ask the non-pilot camera operators (all male) if they would like to learn to fly the airplane. I can recall only one who was interested enough to learn to land and he eventually got his private. The others had either minuscule interest or none. It wasn't as if they were afraid of small airplanes either since they spent hours and hours aloft in one.
You couldn't handle that title! :nonod:

No, but SHE could! LOL!!! :D

Some of the most arrogant insensitive pilots I've encountered online are taildraggers. Treat us tricycle gear-only pilots like we're a menace to aerial navigation! :D

I'm having fun creating one (arrogant taildragger pilot). At Oshkosh last summer, dinner with other pilots. Discussion of nose wheel vs tail wheel (15y/o about 20 hours at the time) she lets loose with, " I wouldn't know, I have no time in nose wheel airplanes."

I am so looking forward to her 16th birthday in May.

How do you know when a female pilot is about to say something smart???

She says , "Well a male pilot just told me . . .. "

Just kidding please don't kill me lol!!!!

I don't think many care if you're a male/femal pilot just as they don't make any other socialogical distinctions.

But if you want to start one I'm willing to join as an Alligator, not a frog. I'm from Louisiana.

PS that Rosey pic is just plain scary! Thanks for giving me nightmares tonight lol!
