I have been reading and researching and reading some more. I want to get my class 3 medical certificate and start persuing my private pilot certification (starting completly from scratch). I do have high blood pressure that is being kept under control with a daily dose of linsopril. I know this may cause me to have to jump through a few hoops but it should not prevent me from getting the certificate. What really concerns me is that about a year and a half ago, I mentioned to my Doctor (actually nurse practioner) that crowds caused me a level of anxiety that made it hard to enjoy concerts and such. She suggested I try a perscrition for ativan, taken just as needed to see if it helped, which it did. I continued this perscription, taking on the average less than 2 pills a month (I refilled the perscription more than that due to have real bad luck with pill bottles coming open in my pocket and losing/contaminating pills), until the end of february of this year. I quit taking them A) because of the way I felt when taking them, and I learnd some concentration techniques and some breathing techniques that releive the symtoms faster and better than the drugs, with out the light headed feeling that the pills gave me. I know this is kinda getting to be a long post, and I apologize for that. But just how screwed am I moving forward to get my medical? Any advice on how I can improve my situation?