another bravo buster

HEF is squarely under the Dulles B. Learning to fly there, I gained a healthy respect for maintaining altitudes and understanding where I was under each shelf at all times. Heck, departing 34 even recently, I have had to make calls to the tower to ask if I could please turn west (rather than head straight for Dulles)... That's usually when all the flight school planes are up in the patter off both runways and the tower controllers get really really busy. Never really come close, but even trucking along for a couple nm without a westbound turnout makes me nervous.
leftbound/westbound confusion. Nothing political.

Maybe the left-ist part? amirite amirite?? :rofl: Ok that's a stretch. What isn't a stretch is that I am going to add left-bound and right-bound to my list of aviation terms I never learned. Right up there with secondary minimums.
Maybe the left-ist part? amirite amirite?? :rofl: Ok that's a stretch. What isn't a stretch is that I am going to add left-bound and right-bound to my list of aviation terms I never learned. Right up there with secondary minimums.

Nah, just someone looking to get butt-hurt.
First, the 'left is West is polical' was follow-on humor to the previous comment. I'll add a smiley icon next time. :)

The plane is based there, flies out of there hundreds of times, students don't go on cross countries alone unless they have flown out of there multiple times, licensed pilots don't fly rental airplanes there until they've been appropriately checked out, etc. etc. And, no more assumption, it was daytime. Should I go on? My comments are based on observations. Neither of us know the pilot, so there is no use in carrying this any further.