Another airline job question?


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Jul 21, 2010
Chattanooga, TN
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Something like this has probably already been asked, but here goes nothin'. My dream job is a SWA pilot (FO or PIC) thinking about this job makes me drool. Anyway id like to know from some of you how long something like this would take and the best route to acheive it. Sitting on my couch typing this seems so far fetched of a dream, but how practical is it? Should I enroll in collegiate aviation somewhere? Get a BS degree in something other than aviation and fly at an FBO on the side? Or try and get a pilot slot at UPT? I assume most answers will be, get your CFI, then get hired at a regional, upgrade to PIC fly left seat for another 5+ years to get the multi turbine time and then..just then.. If im lucky enough.. Could i get hired into the right seat of a SW 737. How do most major pilots nowadays get where they are? Military or Civil?
I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard to get hired on at Southwest you already have to be typed in the B737.
I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard to get hired on at Southwest you already have to be typed in the B737.

I read its not required for an interview, but to be hired it is. But wouldnt you get the type rating during your training with them after they hire you in the sims? If not how hard would that be to obtain a 737 type?
I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard to get hired on at Southwest you already have to be typed in the B737.
We have a SWA pilot on the board. He'll probably be here to chime in. OP, I wouldn't limit your choice to just SWA. Apply for every airline and you might end up having several choices.
Get your CPL the cheapest way possible.

Get a BS in whatever, cheapest way possible (online is a good idea)

Get that first job, and be willing to relocate, work on your BS in BS online after work.

Get that second job (turbine x-country time).
Get your ATP mins knocked out.

Get on with a good (lol) regional

Get on with whatever major you want to work for

As for the degree, there are plenty of schools which will also give you credit for your flight ratings, the degree is just a box to check, just get it done at the cheapest and fastest accredited online school you can find.

Always be networking, always keep your ear to the ground for openings, and remember aviation is a small community be straight with folks and dependable and it will serve you well.

Blue skies
Something like this has probably already been asked, but here goes nothin'. My dream job is a SWA pilot (FO or PIC) thinking about this job makes me drool. Anyway id like to know from some of you how long something like this would take and the best route to acheive it. Sitting on my couch typing this seems so far fetched of a dream, but how practical is it? Should I enroll in collegiate aviation somewhere? Get a BS degree in something other than aviation and fly at an FBO on the side? Or try and get a pilot slot at UPT? I assume most answers will be, get your CFI, then get hired at a regional, upgrade to PIC fly left seat for another 5+ years to get the multi turbine time and then..just then.. If im lucky enough.. Could i get hired into the right seat of a SW 737. How do most major pilots nowadays get where they are? Military or Civil?
Remember that the airline industry (just like many others) is cyclical. Even more so if you are talking about a specific company.
Something like this has probably already been asked, but here goes nothin'. My dream job is a SWA pilot (FO or PIC) thinking about this job makes me drool. Anyway id like to know from some of you how long something like this would take and the best route to acheive it. Sitting on my couch typing this seems so far fetched of a dream, but how practical is it? Should I enroll in collegiate aviation somewhere? Get a BS degree in something other than aviation and fly at an FBO on the side? Or try and get a pilot slot at UPT? I assume most answers will be, get your CFI, then get hired at a regional, upgrade to PIC fly left seat for another 5+ years to get the multi turbine time and then..just then.. If im lucky enough.. Could i get hired into the right seat of a SW 737. How do most major pilots nowadays get where they are? Military or Civil?

You are gonna hear a hundred different answers from a hundred different people. If I could go back and do it again, I would have still got my undergrad in management, got my private & instrument rating at an FBO, applied to the guard or reserves flying military, gotten a civilian flying job on the side(for you, to build up enough time to get hired by SWA). I wouldn't have gone airlines but that is just my personal preference.

I don't know if it's true or not, but I heard to get hired on at Southwest you already have to be typed in the B737.

I heard that was a false rumor. But I could be wrong.
Go down the street to your local Tuna-Sea Air National Guard. Tell them you want to join the 134th Aerial Refueling Wing. Tell them you want to be a boom operator. You will in due time become an enlisted air Crewmember with one of the coolest jobs in the AF.

Because you'll be a vital Crewmember you will get to know ALL the pilots in the wing and they will get to know you. The ANG will provide funds for you to go to college. Maybe even 100%. Once you get your degree go straight to your unit commander and tell him you want to be considered for the NEXT UPT slot. Since you've already been an air Crewmember for a couple of years EVERY pilot that sits on that selection board will already know you - unless you're a total F-Up it's all but guaranteed.

You'll now be sent to UPT KNOWING in advance the Aircraft you will be flying - A multi- crewed Boeing jet. This may not sound as sexy as an F-22 but believe it or don't multi-crewed Boeing jet time is FAR more attractive on an airline application then fighter time.
Additional you won't have to give the AF 12 years of your life before you can leave like you would have to in an active duty situation.

Even better there will no doubt probably be one or two pilots in your Guard Unit that are also SW Pilots so now you've got an in to SW as well !

You can do all the above without putting yourself $100,000.00 in debt with a logbook full of cessna time and no real experience. Plus you'll bypass the whole regional airline stop.
What if SW has to Furlough some junior pilots ? - No problem, just tell the Guard you'd like to pick up some active duty time and the paycheck keeps coming.

Compared to the Embry Riddle Astronaut program this is just a NO-BRAINER !!!
Go down the street to your local Tuna-Sea Air National Guard. Tell them you want to join the 134th Aerial Refueling Wing. Tell them you want to be a boom operator. You will in due time become an enlisted air Crewmember with one of the coolest jobs in the AF.

Because you'll be a vital Crewmember you will get to know ALL the pilots in the wing and they will get to know you. The ANG will provide funds for you to go to college. Maybe even 100%. Once you get your degree go straight to your unit commander and tell him you want to be considered for the NEXT UPT slot. Since you've already been an air Crewmember for a couple of years EVERY pilot that sits on that selection board will already know you - unless you're a total F-Up it's all but guaranteed.

You'll now be sent to UPT KNOWING in advance the Aircraft you will be flying - A multi- crewed Boeing jet. This may not sound as sexy as an F-22 but believe it or don't multi-crewed Boeing jet time is FAR more attractive on an airline application then fighter time.
Additional you won't have to give the AF 12 years of your life before you can leave like you would have to in an active duty situation.

Even better there will no doubt probably be one or two pilots in your Guard Unit that are also SW Pilots so now you've got an in to SW as well !

You can do all the above without putting yourself $100,000.00 in debt with a logbook full of cessna time and no real experience. Plus you'll bypass the whole regional airline stop.
What if SW has to Furlough some junior pilots ? - No problem, just tell the Guard you'd like to pick up some active duty time and the paycheck keeps coming.

Compared to the Embry Riddle Astronaut program this is just a NO-BRAINER !!!

Well if you end up with 100k in debt you lack the brains to get anywhere in life, you're talking less than half that for a CPL.

If you end up with just cessna time in your log, you again, royally screwed up.

With where this country is right now, might be more responsible to help the private sector instead of latching onto the govt tit. I know its hard, but getting on welfare, or planting your butt in a govt job, using them for flight training, or helping wage wars America doesn't want to fight, that's not helping.
Well if you end up with 100k in debt you lack the brains to get anywhere in life, you're talking less than half that for a CPL.

If you end up with just cessna time in your log, you again, royally screwed up.

With where this country is right now, might be more responsible to help the private sector instead of latching onto the govt tit. I know its hard, but getting on welfare, or planting your butt in a govt job, using them for flight training, or helping wage wars America doesn't want to fight, that's not helping.

Did you take your medication today ? How is being in a military component latching on to the government tit ????????? And if so better lock me up cause that's how my flight training was paid for. Oh, and YOUR welcome by the way !!!!
With where this country is right now, might be more responsible to help the private sector instead of latching onto the govt tit. I know its hard, but getting on welfare, or planting your butt in a govt job, using them for flight training, or helping wage wars America doesn't want to fight, that's not helping.

It's obvious you've never worn the uniform. :rolleyes2:

Did it ever occur to you that the military does more than "wage wars America doesn't want to fight"? That applies to such units as the USCG who fly countless hours doing SAR, USAF pilots flying in support of humanitarian relief, Army pilots working in disaster areas, etc, etc.
Did you take your medication today ? How is being in a military component latching on to the government tit ????????? And if so better lock me up cause that's how my flight training was paid for. Oh, and YOUR welcome by the way !!!!

Who do you think pays for your training, jet fuel, aircraft and pretty ribbons for your uniform, who pays for you when you get sick, your food, etc, the private sector, that money is TAKEN from US citizens.

You need to get it straight, next time you see a small business owner, a guy roofing, sales people, contractors, pilots, etc, be a man and tell them "thank YOU for your support".

It's obvious you've never worn the uniform. :rolleyes2:

Did it ever occur to you that the military does more than "wage wars America doesn't want to fight"? That applies to such units as the USCG who fly countless hours doing SAR, USAF pilots flying in support of humanitarian relief, Army pilots working in disaster areas, etc, etc.

No I haven't, and I'm damn proud of that. I didn't agree to kill for senators and special interests just to pay for my school and a new pickup truck.
I never filed BK, and I've never been on welfare, or any thing like that, I got to where Im at on my own merits.

So what percentage of the US millitary budget is diaster relief and SAR ops, how does that compare to everything else?
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You'll now be sent to UPT KNOWING in advance the Aircraft you will be flying - A multi- crewed Boeing jet. This may not sound as sexy as an F-22 but believe it or don't multi-crewed Boeing jet time is FAR more attractive on an airline application then fighter time.

I always wonder where this comes from - Art what is your experience with airline hiring practices? I got job offers from United and Delta on my first hack at it. Of all the military guys I've flown with I'd say that it's either even or slightly tilted towards the fighter side of guys I know who've been hired at a major. I've never heard of anyone that actually makes hiring decisions in the airlines say that heavy time is worth more than fighter to them. In fact, I've heard the exact opposite at both interviews.

To the OP - the ANG is certainly a good opportunity, either way start a degree. You don't have to decide your major right now, but if you get out of the studying/school mode very long it's tough to go back.

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I just thought of one other thing about the ANG. It's definitely unit-dependant, we always give internal guys a shot at the interview, however it's not even close to being guaranteed at getting a UPT slot for our enlisted guys. We send the best candidates to UPT so if the military is even a longshot in your mind - keep a close eye on those grades.

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Who do you think pays for your training, jet fuel, aircraft and pretty ribbons for your uniform, who pays for you when you get sick, your food, etc, the private sector, that money is TAKEN from US citizens.

You need to get it straight, next time you see a small business owner, a guy roofing, sales people, contractors, pilots, etc, be a man and tell them "thank YOU for your support".

No I haven't, and I'm damn proud of that. I didn't agree to kill for senators and special interests just to pay for my school and a new pickup truck.
I never filed BK, and I've never been on welfare, or any thing like that, I got to where Im at on my own merits.

So what percentage of the US millitary budget is diaster relief and SAR ops, how does that compare to everything else?

Nominated for dumbest most abrasive post so far in 2015.
Nominated for dumbest most abrasive post so far in 2015.

I'll own that if you can point out where I'm wrong?

You're saying the military isn't funded by tax paying Americas?

You're saying military spending hasn't been a factor in the economy?

You're saying military pilots training isn't funded by tax dollars, just like the rest of the military?

You're saying without money from private sector America the military could still function?

A large part of the world is a cess pool filled with people hell bent on destroying our way of life. I enjoy having the greatest military force the world has ever known at my side putting foot to a$$ when required. I can say with absolute certainty my wife and 8 year old don't worry about being hit with mortars or rockets on the way to work. We also don't worry about some country growing a chubby and thinking they're going to annex New York City.

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You really believe that?

Have you lived outside the country before?

Believe it or not, most folks outside the US couldn't give two Forks about you, your wife or your kid, and they really don't care about your way of life ether.

Look, all I am saying is, the biggest threat to this country of ours is from inside, weakening our economy puts as at far more of a risk than some goat farmer half way around the world, who up until people started rolling HMMWVs down his street and drones started dropping bombs, didnt really give two craps about America to start with.

Trying to latch onto the govt tit for everything you can, like flight training, just adds on to the burden and weakens the country.
I've lived out of the country. I've been to those places where you claim they don't care about what we do here. I've been shot at by those same people. I've seen the hatred up close - and not while I'm shooting at them. I've seen it while helping them rebuild their communities (from the Russain war, not ours - for this particular one). I've seen it while training with our "friends" in the middle east.

At the very least James you represent one (far left) side of a discussion. Why do you assume that because you've (insert here what ever has caused you to feel so superior), that others don't have the same level of experience and perhaps have come to a different conclusion?

Of course the military is paid for by the taxpayer. Guess what military guys get taken out of every check? Taxes.

Good thing that the military is the only drain on the economy. Free healthcare is free - so no one has to pay for it. Politician travel? Free! Illegal immigrants filling our prisons because they refuse to obey laws? Also free! Welfare - FREE!

You know, you've convinced me. All I've ever done is risk my life and agreed to be away from my family for months on end in exchange for the "government tet". What a freeloader I am! I should've take the harder road and been on welfare this whole time; then I wouldn't be such a drain on the country.

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You're saying the military isn't funded by tax paying Americas?

You're saying military spending hasn't been a factor in the economy?

You're saying military pilots training isn't funded by tax dollars, just like the rest of the military?

You're saying without money from private sector America the military could still function?

Of course US taxpayers fund all of that. Through taxes and such. But consider this. The price of freedom is pretty damned expensive.

You tout how the rest of the world couldn't give a rats patooty about us. But there is a segment of the world that wants nothing more than to see us destroyed. THAT is the segment we need to fight against and THAT is the reason we need to be willing to fund a strong military.

To do otherwise is to set us up to be just another third world country.

THAT is my opinion and I am entitled to it.
Wow. Talk about thread hijack.

Dang. You got me there. I shouldn't have fed the troll!

OP- lots of info out there on how to get to airline job, they all take hard work and determination. Good luck!

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Starting with Lindbergh , many if not most excellent pilots that are written about are ex military due to their training and testing. The several airline pilots I know are all ex military, one flew an Phantom in Vietnam, Navy, another P2V in Thule, Navy, another a thud in Vietnam , AF, another flew a U2 , everywhere, also instructed. They owe the taxpayers nothing in my book and I wish I had been able to fly in the military.
I'll own that if you can point out where I'm wrong?

You're saying the military isn't funded by tax paying Americas?

You're saying military spending hasn't been a factor in the economy?

You're saying military pilots training isn't funded by tax dollars, just like the rest of the military?

You're saying without money from private sector America the military could still function?

You really believe that?

Have you lived outside the country before?

Believe it or not, most folks outside the US couldn't give two Forks about you, your wife or your kid, and they really don't care about your way of life ether.

Look, all I am saying is, the biggest threat to this country of ours is from inside, weakening our economy puts as at far more of a risk than some goat farmer half way around the world, who up until people started rolling HMMWVs down his street and drones started dropping bombs, didnt really give two craps about America to start with.

Trying to latch onto the govt tit for everything you can, like flight training, just adds on to the burden and weakens the country.

It's our fault (the citizens) that our military is playing democracy builder around the world, not the men and women of the armed forces. Those people have taken an oath to defend our constitution and the citizens of this country from foreign and domestic aggression. The military as a whole is directed by our freely elected government. That government ultimately answers to the American citizens. Stop blaming the people that have volunteered their lives to protect my freedom. Blame the voters that have allowed our government to act unchecked because they are more worried about their own entitlements than foreign policy.

Furthermore if you think it's somehow offensive or selfish for a person that is willing to die for your freedom to leave military service with a trade skill such as being a pilot then yes. I think you're offensive. It's not a flying club. They are training to operate military equipment as combat assets. It's not a free ride to all things great in the civilian world of aviation. You are missing the forest for the trees.

Arguing that it's the soldiers fault for volunteering is a lame attempt to miss direct the blame away from those who are actually responsible.

Next time you see a solider of combat arms you should thank him/her and apologize for the government leadership we , as citizens, have allowed in office.
I'll own that if you can point out where I'm wrong?

You're saying the military isn't funded by tax paying Americas?

You're saying military spending hasn't been a factor in the economy?

You're saying military pilots training isn't funded by tax dollars, just like the rest of the military?

You're saying without money from private sector America the military could still function?

So, isn't it just fantastic they then qualify for well paid jobs (such as a jobs at the major airlines), so they can quickly pay back this "debt" in taxes you imagined they owe?
So, isn't it just fantastic they then qualify for well paid jobs (such as a jobs at the major airlines), so they can quickly pay back this "debt" in taxes you imagined they owe?

Not only that but more often than not the ex military, airline type is called back thru the guard to defend his country yet again! They deserve special thanks for this plus the added safety and experience most display as having been military trained.
Not only that but more often than not the ex military, airline type is called back thru the guard to defend his country yet again! They deserve special thanks for this plus the added safety and experience most display as having been military trained.

Yep. Even if you don't agree with the doctrine, you should still respect the people who work with it.
Not to mention the millions of lives changed by harry Truman and the "govmint" sponsored GI BILL after WW2 which made it possible for millions of vets to go to college. It changed this country drastically for the better, making a large, powerful, productive middle class!
Serious question - is SWA better than the others? I'm not an airline pilot, so I really have no idea.