Something like this has probably already been asked, but here goes nothin'. My dream job is a SWA pilot (FO or PIC) thinking about this job makes me drool. Anyway id like to know from some of you how long something like this would take and the best route to acheive it. Sitting on my couch typing this seems so far fetched of a dream, but how practical is it? Should I enroll in collegiate aviation somewhere? Get a BS degree in something other than aviation and fly at an FBO on the side? Or try and get a pilot slot at UPT? I assume most answers will be, get your CFI, then get hired at a regional, upgrade to PIC fly left seat for another 5+ years to get the multi turbine time and then..just then.. If im lucky enough.. Could i get hired into the right seat of a SW 737. How do most major pilots nowadays get where they are? Military or Civil?