Touchdown! Greaser!
...and delegate all the maintenance and repairs....too.where does it say that he cannot delegate certian tasks to someone else? Tasks such as removing plates and covers, cleaning, etc.
My typical entries look something like this.....
Supervised Johny Screw Bender in the following repairs - Replaced: front windscreen PN 13432-02, compass with serviceable unit PN 550-805, fuel hose PN 17766-66, oil pressure hose 303-04, right front lift strut PN U85560-002, mixture control cable PN U16775-000, and gascolator SA3-00. Serviced and bled brakes. Cleaned and lubed pulleys & tie rods
C/W AD 2015-08-04 Wing Lift Struts by inspection per para h(1) & h(2) (due next annual insp),
C/W AD 76-07-12 R1 Bendix Switch by checking ops of mags (due next 100 hrs),
C/W AD 60-10-08 Fuel Selector screen by inspection (due next 100 hrs),
C/W AD 68-05-01 Muffler Inspection by inspection per para (e) (due next 100 hrs)
Checked engine controls for full travel operation. Inspected ELT in accordance with 14 CFR 91.207(d) by inspection and functional check. Returned to service. I certify that this aircraft has been inspected in accordance with an annual inspection as per 14 CFR 43 Appendix D and was determined to be in an airworthy condition.