Annual Inspection Paperwork

It was more of a question of whether an actual A&P actually did it, or if the owner just wrote it in themselves. If I can track down the A&P, I'll have my answer. Had there been a copy filed somewhere from the 3rd party A&P (not the owner) I would have more confidence that this actually happened versus someone with a pen who was motivated to illegitimately increase the value of their property.
Just a quick tip... if the mechanic's name is Jack Daniels or Jim Beam maybe the entries are falsified. Maybe?
Just a quick tip... if the mechanic's name is Jack Daniels or Jim Beam maybe the entries are falsified. Maybe?
I used to work with a mechanic whose name was two letters in the phonetic alphabet…sounded pretty fake to me. ;)
There are also folks on there that passed 70 years ago!