And here come the kneejerk reactions

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Walking through Walmart you sure don't see many famished people.

I don't know if the 14% in my link is from too few calories or the more modern sense of malnutrition where healthy food is unavailable/unaffordable. Certainly some of the walmart shoppers have the latter problem, regardless of what was being counted in the link. Others (most) just make bad choices.
As for Mexicans, it's not about their nationality or heritage, it's about controlling ones own borders. Without that you don't have a country. You're just inhabitants of land.
As non-pc as it is to say it, it is about heritage. It is about abandoning our own identity and embracing all others. If we all had the same heritage and cultural values, the impact would be drastically different.
I see Avalos and Mar value peace over military.
I'm sure neither locks their doors at night since they want to show how peace loving they are.
Yes, there are retards/idiots/dumba**es out there. Surprised?
We just need to get used to it. This is the age of (mis)information. Everything stupid somebody says gets published and publicized. There is no escaping. (unless you are rich enough to afford your own private island)
People are idiots. Many more than others.
I can't do anything about these retards. But at least I can go fly and have a good time tonight. That will clear my head for a while. I think I'll go fly the river corridor with my friend and his amphibian. :)
Look at the size of the countries richer per capita (no country is richer in total) than the US. Almost all of them are oil rich. Norway is what , 5 million? They have North Sea oil. Qatar? The USA is the wealthiest country IN THE WORLD. The US has 1/4 of the worlds wealth and 1/20th of its people. There might be some people hungry in the US, but anyone can get food stamps if they need them, even people who don't need them get them! Find me even a single case of starvation in the US.

Median Income is a bit more accurate way to measure things, which take away those outliers:
For some additional perspective, look up the World Giving Index rankings. Not only is the US among the richest countries, it is consistently one of the most generous as well.
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