Tied Down
Haha. Just messing with ya, man.
Finally figured out why Karen was all over me to upgrade and give her the hand-me-down iPad 1.
Apparently there's some really nice musical score Apps for iPad and she wants to download her choral music into it and mark it up that way.
(Something called "FourScore" I think?)
Anyway, the three weeks of badgering now finally made sense, so I hunted four Apple stores for the last few 4G VZ 64GB iPad 3s in Metro Denver.
Now to go home and transfer Foreflight and Coradine LogTen Pro over (along with all the other stuff).
I hope that goes well... Everyone's saying theirs did. Last time I had to go put everything back into the folders/layout I wanted. I hope they've added folder sync to the transfer process, but I seriously doubt it.
(No, I don't feel like jailbreaking it to do it easier at the command-line.)
The new one's white. I dunno why I picked white. It looked nicer.
Buy Apple stock. I sold at $97. Idiot! I should've known better. It sucks being a numbers investor sometimes. Valuation was way too high. It is also why I don't understand "high fashion". I buy this crap to do stuff.
Haha. Oh well. Still made a profit but missed another 5x. What a maroon!