Because I should be doing other things...
Where did you get 5,022? At the bottom of the main page it says 3,684 registered users. Then when you click "members list" the results say "x to x+30 of 2747". So, who knows how many there really are.
Anyway, using what seems to be 30 results per page in the list, that means that...
75 members have over 1,000 posts
45 members have over 2,000 posts
11 members have over 5,000 posts
2 members have over 10,000 posts (you spin-zone cheaters!)
238 members have visited "Today"
324 have visited "Today" or "Yesterday"
480 have visited since Aug. 1
753 have visited since July 1
1142 have visited since April 1
1540 have visited since Jan. 1, 2008
1932 have visited in the last year.