An Awkward Situation....Opinions Wanted!

I guess everyone will just have to stay tuned and see where I wind up

I hope you do share your experiences with us. Your a member of this board now. No matter what you look like, your one of us. Myself, I would wish that you accomplish everything you set out to do in your flying career. It will be fun to hear about your successes.

I guess everyone will just have to stay tuned and see where I wind up

Unless you do get both a facial and attitude makeovers, it won't be very far.

Your attitude in this thread has shown that for the most part, you're not likely to make it through the first round of hiring. You're "modification" will bring attention to yourself and your attitude will finish it off.

One poster here told you to go out and prove them wrong, something tells me his attitude is a little different.

There is a phrase that gets slung around occasionally, mostly figuratively, but sometimes literal. "Cooperate to graduate." Sometimes, you just have to go with the flow and leave your individuality out of the equation.

People with multimillion dollar airplanes don't want individuals. They don't want "Hey, check me out I'm a free thinker!" They don't want square pegs for round holes. They want square pegs for square holes. They want "Yes sir, I'll fly YOUR airplane exactly as YOU wish."

You will not be able to do this without some serious attitude changes..

"Fraught with disappointment" was a phrase I used in my first reply to you. Your journey will be, unless you change more than one thing about your current self.
I hope you do share your experiences with us. Your a member of this board now. No matter what you look like, your one of us. Myself, I would wish that you accomplish everything you set out to do in your flying career. It will be fun to hear about your successes.


Thanks for that. I'll no doubt be back to brag if I land something worth being proud of lol. And I'm learning to tune out the naysayers..
Now I just have to figure out what I'm setting out to do in my flying career....
Perhaps this whole thing is more about judgment. Pilots are expected to make sound, and for the most part, conservative decisions. They are expected to have good judgment and decision making abilities.

Looking at someone who has tattooed, and pierced their own body would probably raise the eyebrows of the person in the hiring department of any airline. Your appearance is probably going to reflect negatively on your judgment and decision making abilities.

You do have a tough road ahead of you in professional aviation.

K -

Don't "tune out" the naysayers; listen to what they have to say, consider what (if any) part of what each says may have truth, may resonate with reality, and take this into account when formulating your strategy for life. Simply because what you have read here does not dovetail nicely with your vision of yourself, does not mean that it is all simply wrong.

More importantly, the fact that some of what you have read here sounds unjust or unreasonable, does not make the observations and advice invalid.

[crabbyoldbastard]When I was younger - in my 20s - I knew a great deal more than I do now.[/crabbyoldbastard]

Seek advice and counsel - consider same - make decisions with due consideration thereof. Know well: you've gotten some pretty sound advice here, none of which carries a shred of personal malice. What you do with it is entirely your choice.
K, it's great to stand up for your rights. More power to you. . But you also have the right to cross when the walk sign lights up. Will you assert that 'right' even when a speeding vehicle is bearing down on you with no obvious intention of stopping? Or will you 'conform' and stay back on the curb? You may well find a niche in aviation where you can happily and contentedly fly for a living. But I be it will not be with a major carrier. At least not for a long time in the foreseeable future. Your feeling's and sensibilities just don't matter, what matters is how the customer feels. Today, Granny wants mister straight laced to pilot her. Rage against the machine all you want, change is exceedingly slow. Dave
Not with a major carrier, then what?

The air-show aerobatic circuit? Start your own flying business, perhaps by making hauls from big cites to road junction type towns? Start your own flight school?

It's gonna take some thinking.

Just noticed your perfect business opportunity, K-- there's a gal over on the Purple Board considering selling her pipeline patrol business. That's a way to build a lot of time and get paid for it. Best of all you can load yourself up with all the decoration you can tolerate, and nobody'd mind at all.
Just noticed your perfect business opportunity, K-- there's a gal over on the Purple Board considering selling her pipeline patrol business. That's a way to build a lot of time and get paid for it. Best of all you can load yourself up with all the decoration you can tolerate, and nobody'd mind at all.

I dunno - inductive coupling to his jewelry might cause some discomfort. :D
Just noticed your perfect business opportunity, K-- there's a gal over on the Purple Board considering selling her pipeline patrol business. That's a way to build a lot of time and get paid for it. Best of all you can load yourself up with all the decoration you can tolerate, and nobody'd mind at all.

Yeah if only I had that kind of money... lol
What is the purple board?
Yeah if only I had that kind of money... lol
What is the purple board?

Lack of money is what keeps natural born failures from ever achieving anything in life. Did you call, do you know anything about it at all before you admitted defeat?

If you want that business, find a way, explore every avenue you can think of on how to get it. I went to fifteen different banks to get a business loan years ago, before I found one that would lend me the money.

You gave up before you even started.

I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to teach you something.

The purple board is one of those obscure lesser known aviation bulletin boards for a few pilots. :D

Yeah if only I had that kind of money... lol
Alrighty...I've held off commenting on this thread thus far. But THIS takes the cake.

Dude - first off you have a PATHETICALLY small amount of ink to be crying so hard in your beer. I have 50+ hours worth of artwork on me, ALL concealable with swim trunks and a t-shirt.

Second - it takes money to make money. If we all waited until we could buy a house with cash we would buy them only after age 50. Instead, there's this snazzy thing called a mortgage.

Business is the same way. Get the details, write a business plan, talk to banks and get accustomed to rejection. Think the lady at the airshow was rough on you? You ain't seen jack, yet. Me and a few partners, none of whom are millionaires, just started a business this year. We're on a shoestring budget with more sweat capital than a sweatshop. But you know what? We're booking sales and making product. L...O...L

Frequently, small business owners trying to sell something like this are willing to "owner finance". That means you pay the previous owner some percentage of your sales for some set number of months/years. Ultimately, you end up owning the whole thing but you get some of the advantages/profit in the meanwhile. JUST LIKE A MORTGAGE.

Get some real ink, man up and quit making excuses. This is life, son, and it ain't for the faint of heart.
wow you guys love being dramatic...I was cracking a joke, hence the lol and not a :( or :sad: or :nonod: in my post.

I'm terrible at business, just not my strength at all, good with money but no mind towards business at all, so I'd never shoot myself in the foot by trying to take on a business alone. That's what business partners are for.
Furthermore none of you can presume to know my financial situation. Some things just aren't possible for some people in certain situations. Not without moving mountains.

And finally... I was just making a lighthearted crack, I WASN'T SERIOUS

I'm done. Y'all are like rabid wolves seriously. No fun posting just to have everything I say picked at.
I'm done. Y'all are like rabid wolves seriously. No fun posting just to have everything I say picked at.

Like I said, you looked for opinions but didn't like what you heard. In a discussion, there is no such thing as a naysayer. And also like I said, I can't see why you would want to cover up skin given to you by the guys who built the pyramids with cheap tawdry drawings that are worthy of neither your form nor heritage.
I think what ya auta do is quit taking it all so seriously. This is an open forum, not a cockpit. If you start a thread titled blue, nothing else, it could go all over the place or nowhere.

We are on this forum for something to do, read, or say, but for the most part, it is a fun distraction from whatever else we are supposed to be doing.

You have simply started an interesting thread that got a lot of attention, you should consider that a success.

Lighten up.

wow you guys love being dramatic...I was cracking a joke, hence the lol and not a :( or :sad: or :nonod: in my post.

I'm terrible at business, just not my strength at all, good with money but no mind towards business at all, so I'd never shoot myself in the foot by trying to take on a business alone. That's what business partners are for.
Furthermore none of you can presume to know my financial situation. Some things just aren't possible for some people in certain situations. Not without moving mountains.

And finally... I was just making a lighthearted crack, I WASN'T SERIOUS

I'm done. Y'all are like rabid wolves seriously. No fun posting just to have everything I say picked at.

Look at Steve Jobs, if you make enough money you can be all the freak you want nobody can tell you sht. He drove around with no license plate on his mercedes, parked in handicapped spaces, walked around barefoot and hardly ever showered. You can throw hissy fits all you want too.

Look at Steve Jobs, if you make enough money you can be all the freak you want nobody can tell you sht. He drove around with no license plate on his mercedes, parked in handicapped spaces, walked around barefoot and hardly ever showered. You can throw hissy fits all you want too.

Yes, but aviation is not the industry to make Steve Jobs-money.

Remember: the way to make a small fortune in aviation is to start with a large one. ;)
If you're headed into aviation as a career, I would definitely suggest you consider jobs such as flying checks; flying cargo; flying parachute jumpers; bush piloting; etc. And even then, wear long sleeves to the interview... and maybe for the first month or two, until everyone knows and trusts you!

That is dumb that the lady changed her tune upon meeting you. She wasn't hiring you to represent her company in court! She wasn't even hiring you to watch her kids! She was simply accepting your volunteer help in making her event more successful. Don't let her short-sightedness get you down.
Actually, Opinions NOT wanted. Validation wanted. A cheering section wanted. A unanimous boo, hiss, thumbs-down for the narrow-minded volunteer coordinator at the air show wanted.

Perhaps not the case here, but 'awkward situations' would seem to be what many heavily-pierced, multiply-tattooed, strangely-dyed, and oddly-dressed people are looking for. They glory in the startled double-takes, and in the chance to say in a persecuted tone of voice, "Whatchoolookin'at, Grampaw?!" As if they had no idea of stepping far outside the mainstream, and thus calling attention to themselves. They feel so hard done-by, then, when their sideshow freak acts don't get invited to center ring under the big top.

They rebel against society's strictures, but want society to beat a path to their door anyway... Go figure.
You wonder why GA is dying? There is got to be a new "breed" of younger pilots. More and more younger people have tats.

Jeez, what a long thread... I hardly have time to read it all, but I wanted to comment on this. I *AM* the new breed of younger pilots, I've self-funded all my own flying starting in my late 20s when I could finally afford it. I'm pretty conservative, no tats, no uhh....metalwear. :lol:
You should have quit about 200 posts back, and should also hope like hell that no prospective employer ever reads this thread.
wow you guys love being dramatic...I was cracking a joke, hence the lol and not a :( or :sad: or :nonod: in my post.

I'm terrible at business, just not my strength at all, good with money but no mind towards business at all, so I'd never shoot myself in the foot by trying to take on a business alone. That's what business partners are for.
Furthermore none of you can presume to know my financial situation. Some things just aren't possible for some people in certain situations. Not without moving mountains.

And finally... I was just making a lighthearted crack, I WASN'T SERIOUS

I'm done. Y'all are like rabid wolves seriously. No fun posting just to have everything I say picked at.
Yeah and as far someone who changes their tone because your not some uptight conservative christian military type... f'em. Relgion is a waste of life. Our military is a big power, yes, but its costing us so much money that we have to keep raising the debt ceiling just to make the payments.. This country is going to fall apart from the inside out, not from an outside threat. Now their are other costs too in that debt but majority is homeland 'security.' I am no hippie. Although the last decade or two has started to make me think maybe they were right all along. I only have one tattoo and short hair. Still I wouldn't want to work for anyone who isn't going to hire me because of what I look like or something I posted on the Internet anyway. Don't let some ignorant hillbilles get you upset because you don't believe in their false god or their way of life. The military is looking for people just like that, they fall into line, do as they are told. Why do you think they have boot camp? So they can find out how far they push you. Maybe it makes you more of a man.. I wouldn't know. You live your life the way you want to live it. Don't let anyone else tell you how. Otherwise your just a sheep and that's not a life.

Nope, I don't suppose you would.


Nope, I have the anti-authority hazardous attitude and I would kill to defend myself or innocent people but not on one of these pre-emptive deals. That's just murder, whether taking orders or not. This recent regime doesn't even standup for our basic civil rights. Without that what ARE we fighting for? We are spending all this money and what's coming out of it? There just seems to be no rhyme or reason to it. I have heard conspiracy theories that its for oil or christanity, but if it was one at least there would be a reason. What we are going to 'liberate' these people when we can't even walk through an airport without getting our balls grabbed by some deush with a badge? Or exposed to radiation so they see under our clothes? direct violation of our 4th amendment rights against unreasonable search and seizure. Something. Is wrong here.. real wrong. It seems that whoever is REALLY in-charge is trying to take away everything that this country once stood for. Who should I be loyal to the constitution or the government? Why should I even have to ask this question? No wonder they only want people who stand in-line and do as many push-ups or jump through as many hoops as they want them too. This country can't even keep itself together at home and yet we are going to spend money we don't even have.. we can't even make the minimum payments on without lifting the debt ceiling so we can go around trying to push our ideology on the rest of the world by murder and threats? I don't want anything to do with that. Even if it makes me less of a man.


You are spot on. I'm sorry for my blunt remark, I never should have posted it, but I did. Great rebuttal, good on you.
