America the Brave


Pattern Altitude
Mar 2, 2005
In light of recent events in DC, where the lives of... well, no one... was endangered by a 2 seat plane that weighs half of what my compact car does, I thought it would be inspiring to see the strong stand our government is taking in the face of terror. With men and women such as this leading or nation, the bad guys must surely be quaking in fear.
Joe Williams said:
In light of recent events in DC, where the lives of... well, no one... was endangered by a 2 seat plane that weighs half of what my compact car does, I thought it would be inspiring to see the strong stand our government is taking in the face of terror. With men and women such as this leading or nation, the bad guys must surely be quaking in fear.

Well Joe, the Republican party has been using the politics of fear for some time now. Maybe it's starting to effect them too. :D

I agree, it is rather pathetic.

Joe Williams said:
In light of recent events in DC, where the lives of... well, no one... was endangered by a 2 seat plane that weighs half of what my compact car does

Agreed with the threat issue.

Don't forget that the average media aviation expert who teaches the masses is only slightly less aviation literate than your average 1 zillion BC caveman named Ogg that has just had his head stepped on by a dinosaur and said expert spews that expert misinformation as far as possible as if it's infinite truth. With no other references in their face, the public takes it as truth because they don't know better. To the uneducated public, your average CE150 weighs at least as much as a small SUV probably more, flies at 200mph, 50ft wingspread, 100 gallons of fuel, can carry at least 1000 additional lbs of whatever you want to carry and can punch through a nuclear power plant without a problem. (It is SOOOO fun to take people that believe that out to the airport for a ride in a 150 then hand roll the plane across the ramp to the pumps) These people are all running from the illusion they've been brainwashed with, not from the reality of the situation. Until they learn that they're running from a super tiny lightweight marginally powered slow very easily destroyed aluminum box, people will continue running in complete terror from their shadows.
The picture is of an AP photographer. A working stiff probably running to get a better shot. Hardly a picture of fear.

But, I agree with Jean completely.
corjulo said:
The picture is of an AP photographer. A working stiff probably running to get a better shot. Hardly a picture of fear.

But, I agree with Jean completely.

Ummm.... There's a lot more than one person running away there. Are you kinda hoping that maybe no one will notice that while you spin your little fantasy tale?
Hmm, lets see. You are in the capitol, there are lots of guys with guns and they are really freaked out and telling YOU to run. What to do? Me, I'd run from the guys with guns, not so much from the "threat..."
I think the threat of worldwide terrorism is real. Glad we're fighting it in Afganistan and Iraq and only running from Cessna 150's here at home. Looks like the war on terror is working.

However, panic is down right silly.
What about the idiot pilot? C'mon, how stupid was that? I can think of NO excuse for a CFI to pull such a bonehead stunt. I'm sorry, I don't care if his radio was broken or whatever other excuse he came up with. This was stupid, stupid, stupid.

judypilot said:
What about the idiot pilot? C'mon, how stupid was that? I can think of NO excuse for a CFI to pull such a bonehead stunt. I'm sorry, I don't care if his radio was broken or whatever other excuse he came up with. This was stupid, stupid, stupid.


Indeed, and well addressed in another thread. Though he wasn't a CFI, not that it matters. No one around here should be flying without being well aware of where they are in relation to the ADIZ.
someone told me about a T-shirt he saw on someone: Member of Bomb Squad. if you see me running, try to keep up.

Paging Ed...

judypilot said:
What about the idiot pilot? C'mon, how stupid was that? I can think of NO excuse for a CFI to pull such a bonehead stunt. I'm sorry, I don't care if his radio was broken or whatever other excuse he came up with. This was stupid, stupid, stupid.

They're from Smoketown, PA. Hmmm, Ed, you know these dudes? Nomatter how stupid the rules, if they can bust the ADIZ these guys are certainly going to be busting B and C. We really can't defend that...
Anthony said:
However, panic is down right silly.
It only looks silly after the fact.

Imagine you're sitting there in the gallery with your family and a guard runs by telling you to evacuate because an unauthorized plane is headed inbound with unclear intentions.

You hear "plane" and think 9/11. No one said "Cessna 150" or anything. Just "plane". Personally, I'd think airliner or big cargo jet ala Tom Clancy scenario.

Your kids are standing next to you, looking at you for guidance.

What would you do? Personally, I'd run and figure out what the issue was later. My family means more to me than looking silly on TV if I don't have time to sit and gather all the facts first.
woodstock said:
someone told me about a T-shirt he saw on someone: Member of Bomb Squad. if you see me running, try to keep up.


When I was transferring from the Army to the Air Force, the Air Force wanted me to go Explosive Ordnance Disposal because of my explosives experience in the Army. No way.. good way to get blown up, and I didn't realize at the time that EOD actually got to blow things up, too. I always did enjoy making a good bang.
Joe Williams said:
Indeed, and well addressed in another thread. Though he wasn't a CFI, not that it matters. No one around here should be flying without being well aware of where they are in relation to the ADIZ.

Yeah, sorry. I didn't see that thread until after I posted the post.

Hm, I heard that one of the people on board was a CFI.

Still, as you say......

Joe Williams said:
In light of recent events in DC, where the lives of... well, no one... was endangered by a 2 seat plane that weighs half of what my compact car does, I thought it would be inspiring to see the strong stand our government is taking in the face of terror. With men and women such as this leading or nation, the bad guys must surely be quaking in fear.

Hey Joe, Nice picture, TO BAD ITS A YEAR OLD. Your picture was actually from a
June of last year Picture

This was a picture from yesterday, Hardly panic Picture

Joe, don't trust Drudge...
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sshekels said:
Hmm, lets see. You are in the capitol, there are lots of guys with guns and they are really freaked out and telling YOU to run. What to do? Me, I'd run from the guys with guns, not so much from the "threat..."

My brother is a police officer. On 9/11, he was sitting on a plane at the gate at BWI when the attacks happened. They deplaned him and they were left in the gate area.

Then, people started to run toward the terminal. He watched, and when the SECURITY GUARDS started running by he decided to join them.

Apparently, somebody had started a rumor that there was a bomb in the airport.
Brian Austin said:
It only looks silly after the fact.

Imagine you're sitting there in the gallery with your family and a guard runs by telling you to evacuate because an unauthorized plane is headed inbound with unclear intentions.

You hear "plane" and think 9/11. No one said "Cessna 150" or anything. Just "plane". Personally, I'd think airliner or big cargo jet ala Tom Clancy scenario.

Your kids are standing next to you, looking at you for guidance.

What would you do? Personally, I'd run and figure out what the issue was later. My family means more to me than looking silly on TV if I don't have time to sit and gather all the facts first.

Moving quickly to safety in an orderly and logical fashion is prudent. Running and screaming with no rhyme or reason is panic and is counterproductive. Panic means that the thought process has ended and the flee instinct has taken over. You can flee right into a lion's mouth. I'll keep my wits about me and show the kids the world's not ending, even if it is.

Brian, what I think you really meant was get to safety and if that means running that's fine. I agree.
corjulo said:
Hey Joe, Nice picture, TO BAD ITS A YEAR OLD. Your picture was actually from a
June of last year Picture

Sort of deceptive on your part, or at least a little fantasy, don't you think?. This was a picture from yesterday, Hardly panic Picture

Joe, don't trust Drudge...

Didn't get it from Drudge, Dan. I guess that just goes to prove none of you in the news business are trustworthy, huh?

No deception on my part. Just the mistake of trusting the news... guess I should know what a mistake it is to trust anyone in the news business, huh?
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corjulo said:
Hey Joe, Nice picture, TO BAD ITS A YEAR OLD. Your picture was actually from a
June of last year Picture

Sort of deceptive on your part, or at least a little fantasy, don't you think?. This was a picture from yesterday, Hardly panic Picture

Joe, don't trust Drudge...

actually I saw that online too and it wasn't Drudge. I don't remember where now.
Joe Williams said:
Didn't get it from Drudge, Dan. I guess that just goes to prove none of you in the news business are trustworthy, huh?

No deception on my part. Just the mistake of trusting the news... guess I should know what a mistake it is to trust anyone in the news business, huh?

The "news business" is like any other business Joe. Some good, some bad and many many many just too darn lazy to check the facts. This picture actually generated a bit of buzz because Drudge ran it first but then a whole lot of online news sources picked it up. Maybe Drudge picked it up but somebody knew it was a distortion and ran with it. Sloppy. Still no correction from Drudge Drudge

I actually saw CNN news running 9/11 evacuation footage while talking about yesterdays event. That really ****es me off but the TV guys do that all the time. How many times do you see the same Iraq combat footage night after night. The reporter are either to scared to go out and cover the story or worse, their organizations have no reporter in Country so they run stock footage and repeat went they read on the wires. Truly terrible.
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Joe Williams said:
In light of recent events in DC, where the lives of... well, no one... was endangered by a 2 seat plane that weighs half of what my compact car does, I thought it would be inspiring to see the strong stand our government is taking in the face of terror. With men and women such as this leading or nation, the bad guys must surely be quaking in fear.

Jeez, Joe. Lemme see. 150. 2 aboard, presumably some luggage. Fuel. That thing could have been carrying maybe 3-4 lbs of firecrackers or something! Of course the goverment had to shut down in the wake of such a monumental threat!
Daily show ran a bit on the evacuation, and didn't datestamp it so I assume it was real. Jon Stewart basically made fun of them just like Joe has. And I wholeheartedly agree. But as others have pointed out, everything everyone was saying was "A plane", and on CNN and Fox I believe the words were "A small jet" a couple of times. Only later did they state "Cessna" and even much later (after the plane had landed), did they clarify a "Light single engine aircraft". So in this case, I'd probably run away from any potential targets as well.
"I guess that just goes to prove none of you in the news business are trustworthy, huh?"
Getting too personal. This thread is on the edge, fellas...
RotaryWingBob said:
Jeez, Joe. Lemme see. 150. 2 aboard, presumably some luggage. Fuel. That thing could have been carrying maybe 3-4 lbs of firecrackers or something! Of course the goverment had to shut down in the wake of such a monumental threat!

It's easy to joke with 20/20 hindsight. Those people at the Capitol only had foresight and heard that something was coming. I'd sure get away fast from a target like the capitol, the Pentagon, (remember the Pentagon 911 ?) or anywhere with a guided bomb of ANY size enroute to a location close to me.

Any ferry pilots out there who'll tell us the real max payload for a C150 or similar plane ? Ever see what a guided 500 # bomb can do ? Ever see what an empty C150 loaded with full fuel can do ?

Then, considering the above, is there anyone else who'll say, "Yeah sure, fly that thing loaded with 'splosives right through our office window while we're at the desk."

I love aviation as a pastime/profession as much or more than any other pilot, but don't tell me these aircraft are harmless. Sure they're not a threat to loss sleep over... but not harmless either.