Man! What are you so afraid of?
Oh look! I see that N1234X belongs to Joe Schmo, of Kansas City is over Oklahoma headed for Texas! Security Alert!!
Afraid of, lolz
Not really, just a student of history.
By the way I don’t see where you posted the info I (a random dude who’s just curious) asked for? Afraid?
It comes down to what my life and way of life is worth, and a cost to benefit.
My life and way of life is worth TONS to me
There are some risks broadcasting where my plane and likely self/loved ones are for any private or public crook who might want to know, not a huge risk but a risk, now there is ZERO benefit for me to transmit my N number. Z E R O
You have zero valid reasons to need the personal info for a traffic target.
I mean how many people on here post about getting some random person in some podunk airport trying to scam them out of money for “registration” or some such?
If you read a little history, just say 20th century, big government has been the biggest risk and expense most citizens have in their lives, more so than “mass shooters” or “terrorists” and yet folks get all confused when someone says something is non of anyones damn business, all while turning a blind eye to...say....the TSA feeling your grand kids balls. Priorities lol
Yeah, trust these people, what’s the worse that could happen
Or this one
Or how about this that keeps happening
So no, I don’t want to send more data to be misused in databases that never go away, or really have anyone who I don’t think needs to know, knowing where I am or where I am going.
Sure I can’t shield myself and my loved ones from all of it, but I can do the best I can to minimize how much of a target I make myself, I can also remind folks who take the gov as their lord and savor of these things they seem to often forget.