Sure wish the cameras had been there when I was in Alaska. I would have to call our agent in the village for a weather report and get something like this...
Situation: I was trying to fly from Kotzebue to Noorvik, a village on the Kobuk River, to deliver and pick up US Mail. Departure airport weather is reporting 1 mile visibility, 600 overcast, snow showers in the area. This is considered flyable VFR and I can get out of the class E with a special VFR clearance, and into the class G. So I call the village agent for a weather report. The FAA and our Ops Specs allow us to do this because there is no official weather in the village.
Me: How is the weather there?
Agent: I don't know, I can't see anything.
Me: Is it snowing that bad?
Agent: I don't know, I am still in bed...
Me: Well, I guess we will cancel the trip then. All I have for you today is mail and the checks.
Agent: Oh.... I am looking now, weather is goot.!!!
Me: Ok, has the strip been plowed?
Agent: It was last night, I will check this morning.
Me: Can you see the maintainence building from your house?
Agent: Yes, I see.
Me: Ok, have someone plow the strip, I'll be there in about an hour.
Agent: Ok
Me, flying towards the village. Weather is somewhere around a mile in visibility as I try to stay around 500 AGL and VFR. (choose one, you don't get both) Then after landing... I thought you said the weather was good?
Agent: It was goot when you called.
Me: Well.... the visibility is less than a mile, the snow is almost 12 inches deep on the strip, and wouldn't you know it, I forgot the mail and checks. Next time I call for weather try to look out the window and give a better weather report.
Agent: I have one passenger for Kotz.
Me: Ok, let me unload the mail first.
Passenger: How long you fly here? Are you goot pilot?
Me: I have been here through two winters. The FAA told me that if I can fly one more day without crashing then I get my license back.
Passenger: Oh. I wait for next plane.
Me: There won't be anymore planes after I call ahead and give the weather report.
Passenger: Ok. I go with you then.
Passenger, after landing in Kotz: You are goot pilot.
Getting a compliment from an eskimo is a real honor. Most of the villagers have more time riding in a plane than I have being alive. Flying in Alaska was so challenging and rewarding at times.