AK weather cams


Nov 29, 2014
Juneau, AK
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I really like the new format for avcam.faa.gov (wish I knew how to add site for you to click on, you will have to punch it in yourself). They have added METAR, TAF, and site information to the format.

No flying for me today, weather
. The FAA got this one right
My home field is Juneau, AK (JNU) or (PAJN), a very beautiful and scenic place to fly.

Stop by and say HI next time your in Juneau. Have a good new year.
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I used to use SkupTech's avcams app. I got used to that. The new look on the FAA's mobile site works well. I like it. I'd prefer an app instead of needing a browser but that's a petty complaint. I wish they'd make a lower bandwidth version that would work with an Iridium data service. My buddy Skup is working on one but the FAA has made app development difficult with respect to weather cams.
My youngest son is a teacher in Kiana (Bob Baker Memorial - PAIK) so I use the Alaska webcams there a lot plus the AWOS through AreoWeather to check the weather. Not sure this new website is all that useful. Sure would like to fly there some day.
Used the weather cams this summer, they where great.
Not sure this new website is all that useful.

A picture is worth a thousand words. Every Alaskan pilot I know DEPENDS on the weather cams. There's no question that the website is useful and has been for several years. The only change is a new screen look that's more user friendly. The cams themselves aren't new. When I can't see them myself, like when I'm in the boonies fixin to fly, I call FSS on my sat phone and ask them to check the cams site and tell me what they see. Weather cams are a great tool.
Wow, did not now about this site. Saved me that trip to Alaska. I can see it all on my ipad, while sitting in my recliner.
Here's an example of the value of the camera views. Here's a shot from Puntilla looking toward Rainy Pass and Hell's Gate, a very common route throu the Alaska Range. Looks nice.


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Here's the view from Rohn looking back at the same pass from the other side. Not so nice.


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Sure wish the cameras had been there when I was in Alaska. I would have to call our agent in the village for a weather report and get something like this...

Situation: I was trying to fly from Kotzebue to Noorvik, a village on the Kobuk River, to deliver and pick up US Mail. Departure airport weather is reporting 1 mile visibility, 600 overcast, snow showers in the area. This is considered flyable VFR and I can get out of the class E with a special VFR clearance, and into the class G. So I call the village agent for a weather report. The FAA and our Ops Specs allow us to do this because there is no official weather in the village.

Me: How is the weather there?

Agent: I don't know, I can't see anything.

Me: Is it snowing that bad?

Agent: I don't know, I am still in bed...

Me: Well, I guess we will cancel the trip then. All I have for you today is mail and the checks.

Agent: Oh.... I am looking now, weather is goot.!!!

Me: Ok, has the strip been plowed?

Agent: It was last night, I will check this morning.

Me: Can you see the maintainence building from your house?

Agent: Yes, I see.

Me: Ok, have someone plow the strip, I'll be there in about an hour.

Agent: Ok

Me, flying towards the village. Weather is somewhere around a mile in visibility as I try to stay around 500 AGL and VFR. (choose one, you don't get both) Then after landing... I thought you said the weather was good?

Agent: It was goot when you called.

Me: Well.... the visibility is less than a mile, the snow is almost 12 inches deep on the strip, and wouldn't you know it, I forgot the mail and checks. Next time I call for weather try to look out the window and give a better weather report.

Agent: I have one passenger for Kotz.

Me: Ok, let me unload the mail first.

Passenger: How long you fly here? Are you goot pilot?

Me: I have been here through two winters. The FAA told me that if I can fly one more day without crashing then I get my license back.

Passenger: Oh. I wait for next plane.

Me: There won't be anymore planes after I call ahead and give the weather report.

Passenger: Ok. I go with you then.

Passenger, after landing in Kotz: You are goot pilot.

Getting a compliment from an eskimo is a real honor. Most of the villagers have more time riding in a plane than I have being alive. Flying in Alaska was so challenging and rewarding at times.