Airplane Mechanics

Good for you Kim. Seems like you are having a good time and learning some things too. As some people on here already know, that is what we do in our shop and on the road is owner assisted work. We enjoy teaching and helping them understand some of the things that many don't get a chance to see.

Good job

He actually took the time to take the two pilots aside who fly the piper and explain everything he was doing. They said they would help and they poured in some oil, and did some other things. They were definitely around and interested. That was nice. Plus it was in their hangar so we could play our music!
Something else I remembered:





(intake, compression, spark / ignite, exhaust)

See? I'm finally learning about engines.

The book I read as a kid (early 1960s) used Suck, Squeeze, Pop, Phooey. :D

He stood there and myself and other He read the checklist which included checking the stall horn. Since the Cessna has a "musical instrument" stall horn - instead of one of those electric stall horns - the way to check it is by hand (or, in this case, by mouth).

I got all excited because although it was on my preflight checklist throughout my 8 months of training to become a private pilot in 2011, I'd never been able to try it.

You see, I flew a 152 but even then I was just a bit too short to grab a rag and suck on the stall horn opening which sits inside the wing. Rather than make me get a stepping stool or ladder, my instructor told me constantly "during the checkride, if the DPE asks why you did not test the stall horn, tell him you did - during your last landing - and that it works because you heard it go off."

So you bet when I heard the A&P say "check stall horn" I volunteered.

Someone grabbed me a stool. Trying as hard as I could, with a disposable rag in front of my mouth, I could not make the stall horn sound. So I got rid of the rag and tried again. Problem was, I was wearing lipstick. As you can imagine, though I still couldn't make the sound, when I stepped down from the stool, there were KISS MARKS on the white wing. Hilarious.

Sporty's sells a nice little tool that is a squeeze pump that you place over the stall horn opening on the leading edge. Push it towards the wing and release. Stall horn beeps (or doesn't if it's bad). Repeat once or twice and you're done. No step ladder, no kissing the wing. I've been using the same one for about 13 years now and it works great. Typical Sporty's in that it was probably overpriced, but it works just fine.
Well, that's what you use them for....

Hmm, I wonder what I should call a newborn thermometer....

And that brings us to a joke:

A doctor reaches for his pen to write a prescription, but all he has in his pocket is a rectal thermometer. "Shoot," he says. "Some bum's got my pen."

Could you adapt one of those $1 snot bulbs you use on newborns?

I don't think so, not without some serious modifications to the nozzle. It's easier to give Sporty's your credit card number.