Airlines over the edge?

That reminds me of this one time, I went on a date wearing a skirt just like that to Six Flags. I learned quick that it was a bad idea, since all the rides had straddle seats. I think my date was dissapointed that he wasn't one of the workers or in line waiting.:rolleyes:
Why on earth would you ever say that? :D
I think I speak for at least the majority of guys here when I say we're disappointed too :)
O.k. I can't help but comment on this. She is hot. Period. If SWA was responding to a complaint, the complainer was probably a woman (cause no man would complain about the scenery) who was just told at the counter that she had to buy another seat due to the fact she does not fit in the very comfy SWA seats. This young lady was probably the straw that broke the camel's (or cow) back. My only complaint about her outfit is actually a pet peeve of mine. Do people give no consideration to the possibility of an aircraft mishap? What would she do if she was faced with egressing a burning aircraft. She would probably destroy that nice body she was sooooo kind to show us all. Nothing against her, but everytime I see someone in the airport dressed in shorts, tank tops, sandals or heels, I just have the urge to ask them the very question I just presented. Always dress to egress people!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
O.k. I can't help but comment on this. She is hot. Period. If SWA was responding to a complaint, the complainer was probably a woman (cause no man would complain about the scenery) who was just told at the counter that she had to buy another seat due to the fact she does not fit in the very comfy SWA seats. This young lady was probably the straw that broke the camel's (or cow) back. My only complaint about her outfit is actually a pet peeve of mine. Do people give no consideration to the possibility of an aircraft mishap? What would she do if she was faced with egressing a burning aircraft. She would probably destroy that nice body she was sooooo kind to show us all. Nothing against her, but everytime I see someone in the airport dressed in shorts, tank tops, sandals or heels, I just have the urge to ask them the very question I just presented. Always dress to egress people!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

That's a good, and very cheerful mantra :goofy::yes::D
The "crotch shot" lasted an instant, and all I saw was shadow.

Really, I tried to see more, but couldn't. Maybe I'll keep re-playing the video.
I went back and looked again... the "shot" you saw was the inside back of her skirt. You're reaching!
Always dress to egress people!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So maybe I don't feel quite so stupid for always wearing jeans (good, stout cotton) when I fly. Statistically likely never to matter, but statistics matter not when your number comes up!

I'd hit it.

...and I bet she'd count herself lucky to have been so blessed!


Joking aside, I find it hard to comprehend that someone who goes to parties dressed... ummmm.. like she does, and happily has her picture published on the Internet, was in any measurable way humiliated by the act of an airline employee conveying to her the concerns of other pax.
You seen the width of the rows? No knee room! Once she's seated, you ain't seeing nuttin!

This was Southwest, not American or Delta- there's pretty decent seat pitch.
I just watched the video... doesn't sound to me like she missed the flight, got kicked off or had to take a later one. The attendant that took her to the front of the plane let her go back and sit down, she asked for a blanket from the flight attendant, and took the original flight... the "getting back on the plane" was the RETURN flight from Tuscon, wearing the same outfit, without issues.
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Don't worry guys, I suspect she'll be doing porn in the next year or so. She's a hotty, but not quite hot enough to do runway, or clothes modelling. It'll go from bathing suits, to underwear, to full nude. Remember Darva Conger?
Don't worry guys, I suspect she'll be doing porn in the next year or so. She's a hotty, but not quite hot enough to do runway, or clothes modelling. It'll go from bathing suits, to underwear, to full nude. Remember Darva Conger?

Jessica whatsername (Jim Bakker. Hahn?),too. She was so offended by the outrageous and unwanted sexual advances she posed nude to show her freedom...or something.
That's what I mean; maybe there's a market for it after all.

She said on Today she'd be fine with an apology and hadn't decided whether to sue or not. SWA has no dress code, they said, so they have no specific violation to justify kicking her off. Only that fine print Matthew mentioned.

What's crazy is SWA let her fly later wearing the EXACT SAME CLOTHES she was kicked off for. Also that no one, from the check in counter to the gate, mentioned her clothing as a potential problem.
Because SWA was responding to a complaint from one of the pax. SWA didn't have a problem per se, it was a specific pax who complained. I'll bet SWA DOES have a policy for dealing with customer complaints.

OTOH, to cause her to miss the flight would have been a problem of equal or greater magnitude. The solution was to have a public hand slapping at the front of the cabin in full view of the offended pax who complained. Maybe nobody happy but this compromise got SWA out of a pickle and the plane left the gate as scheduled.

Now, everyone go home, nothing to see here. (pun intended)
Before the airline approaches someone, they need to have a set of established, subjective standards. Even if it means measuring skirts from the floor like the old days of Catholic schools.

Obviously, that will never happen. The flight attendant's response to the complainant should have been they don't have established standards and there's nothing they can do. If the passenger was still upset, suggest they write to management.
Don't worry guys, I suspect she'll be doing porn in the next year or so. She's a hotty, but not quite hot enough to do runway, or clothes modelling. It'll go from bathing suits, to underwear, to full nude. Remember Darva Conger?
She's probably already sent her glossies to Hef's mansion.
Before the airline approaches someone, they need to have a set of established, subjective standards. Even if it means measuring skirts from the floor like the old days of Catholic schools.

Obviously, that will never happen. The flight attendant's response to the complainant should have been they don't have established standards and there's nothing they can do. If the passenger was still upset, suggest they write to management.
That is exactly right. I did not think she was dressed inappropriate at all. She looked like a lot of college students I see. The flight attendant was way out of line. I hate SWA, they are such a mommy airline I hope they get their hats handed to them.
"Mommy Airline"?
Yeah, SWA is always telling their pax how to dress, where to sit, how to sit, etc. Ever see that airline show about them? People pay big bucks for that type of domination treatment in NY but they could just get on a SWA flight to be treated the same way. I just don't see other airlines doing that to their pax. But then I don't see the percentage of white trash flying on the major airlines either like I see on SWA. Perhaps that has something to do with it too. I just know I have not ever been inclined to fly SWA. Nothing I see there impresses me.
Yeah, SWA is always telling their pax how to dress, where to sit, how to sit, etc. Ever see that airline show about them? People pay big bucks for that type of domination treatment in NY but they could just get on a SWA flight to be treated the same way. I just don't see other airlines doing that to their pax. But then I don't see the percentage of white trash flying on the major airlines either like I see on SWA. Perhaps that has something to do with it too. I just know I have not ever been inclined to fly SWA. Nothing I see there impresses me.


Your perspective would be different Mr. Premier flying 1st class. Aren't they even trying to get you exclusive TSA security lines?

I would ONLY fly Southwest, even if I have to change planes. I've NEVER had a bad experience with them.

As you'll see above they actually have a policy of making the employees #1, and that works out well for the passengers. On my last flight I was way back and noted how the FA greeted the ramp guy restocking the plane like they were old friends. That's how they do.

Note that SWA was confident enough to ALLOW that TV documentary series to be made with their folks. The majors know full f*'in well that if they gave an OK there would a endless cases of the staff beating down hapless passengers, much less "As usual, the flight is 3 hours late. 'Confidentially. It's never on time. I don't know why these people think they're ever going make conenctions.'"
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Yeah, SWA is always telling their pax how to dress, where to sit, how to sit, etc. Ever see that airline show about them? People pay big bucks for that type of domination treatment in NY but they could just get on a SWA flight to be treated the same way. I just don't see other airlines doing that to their pax. But then I don't see the percentage of white trash flying on the major airlines either like I see on SWA. Perhaps that has something to do with it too. I just know I have not ever been inclined to fly SWA. Nothing I see there impresses me.

I see an equal distribution of whackos in FC as I do in coach. Just a different sort of trash...


As you'll see above they actually have a policy of making the employees #1, and that works out well for the passengers.
Like the young woman this thread is about for instance??

Note that SWA was confident enough to ALLOW that TV documentary series to be made with their folks.
SWA did that series because it was free publicity. Had nothing to do with confidence. It had to do with greed. And notice that when the series was on, SWA looked more and more like a really bad airline with knuckleheads flying it all the time.

This was a review that was posted on IMDB
If Southwest believes for a moment that people would want to flock to their airline as a result of this show, then I believe that they're screwy!

The employees are sometimes so callous, so cold and occasionally so unprofessional that I am continuously aghast at their behavior. They all need to take classes in empathy and human psychology.
Which is exactly how I feel. SWA is not the only airline to behave like this, but they are not any better than any other airline either. Just because they stewardess where funny hats and make self depreciating jokes does not make me want to fly in their spam cans.

The reviewer goes on to say
On the other hand, I am constantly astounded at how stupid some passengers are. And how they ALWAYS blame the airline for THEIR stupidity.

Listen, BUM, if you're out having a smoke, or drinking at the bar or taking a nap, and you miss the announcement for boarding, or you drink too much and aren't allowed to fly, don't be a moron and blame the gate agent. Remember that YOU'RE the moron. Take credit for your stupidity, and catch the next flight!
I have never seen the amount of idiots on non-discount airlines as I have seen on SWA, the TV show. I fly a lot so you would think I would get to run into pumpkins heads like they have on that show but fortunately I don't.
I see an equal distribution of whackos in FC as I do in coach. Just a different sort of trash...


Me, too. It saddens me to see loudmouth rednecks whooping it up in first class, likely on their company's expense account. Is there a no-class section for them to sit in?
Southwest is my favorite airline to fly. Now, that's not saying much, since the fun of airline flying disappeared decades ago. But the employees always seem happy to be working for the airline, and that morale has always translated to them treating me more pleasantly.

The TV show was edited (as nearly all TV shows are) to highlight conflicts, discrepancies, problems, and other things that viewers find interesting. I was around BWI when they were shooting there, and I can assure you that 95% of the SWA experience (the positive 95%) never made it to broadcast.

The fact is that people like to watch things where they can see other people who are worse off than the viewer. Next on the list may be a show where something good happens to someone else, but it's a far second.
Not having the trip profiles (or budget) to ever touch a First-Class seat anyway, I find that, if I *must* fly commercial, Southwest is by far the best choice. This (I suspect) is why it is so overwhelmingly supported by business travelers which make up Southwest's "bread and butter."

They are by no means always the cheapest, but the fares are always rational and never ridiculous, and if your travel plans change you never, ever forfeit the fare paid.

They tell the truth. They have excellent frequencies on city pairs they service , and when WX does disrupt their operations, they recover better than any other carrier, because they are never overwhelmed by one hub.

Always fiscally sound, they pay their people better than any other carrier, they actively solicit input from all strata of the airline's personnel, and they listen to the input that they get. They believe that well-maintained aircraft are more reliable, and reliability and safety are inevitable traveling companions.

For domestic travel, I find Southwest to be a superior product to any other airline's (since Legend failed), and it is a sustainable excellence.

In the current circumstance, if you believe that all that happened was that someone decided to jack around with a marginally-dressed passenger, you are jumping to a conclusion unsupported by actual evidence. Sometimes, you're damned if you do, and damned if you do not, but you can feel reasonably confident that the issue arose as a result of complaints from other passengers... which cannot reasonably be ignored.
I see that SWA has lots of fans. I am not trying to say that they suck only that when it comes to providing the least they do it better than anyone else. But then I don't want the least when I fly so they are not the choice for me.
Yeah, SWA is always telling their pax how to dress, where to sit, how to sit, etc. Ever see that airline show about them? People pay big bucks for that type of domination treatment in NY but they could just get on a SWA flight to be treated the same way. I just don't see other airlines doing that to their pax. But then I don't see the percentage of white trash flying on the major airlines either like I see on SWA. Perhaps that has something to do with it too. I just know I have not ever been inclined to fly SWA. Nothing I see there impresses me.
"Always"? I've never once seen any of that on SWA or any other airline.
I use SW quite a bit for business and have received great service on EVERY trip. Also, I find the pax base to be about the same as every other spam can company.

The only time I'm happy with all the pax in the plane is when I'm PIC :)
For domestic travel, I find Southwest to be a superior product to any other airline's (since Legend failed), and it is a sustainable excellence.


You've never flown Midwest, have ya? Didn't think so. :no:

I personally have never flown Southwest, but I'm pretty sure they don't have an all-first-class-leather-seats cabin and freshly baked cookies... :D

You've never flown Midwest, have ya? Didn't think so. :no:

I personally have never flown Southwest, but I'm pretty sure they don't have an all-first-class-leather-seats cabin and freshly baked cookies... :D

Quite right; Legend as patterned on Midwest. Sadly, the days of Midwest's all-first service are numbered, but everyone I know who has flown with them has given rave reviews. If I were going somewhere Midwest could readily take me, I'd jump at the chance.


Scott, I am not sure what you mean by "...providing the least.."; in domestic coach service, Southwest actually gives more than most other carriers (free snack packs, for example, on longer flights, as opposed to the buy-on-board fare which is sometimes available from old-line network carriers).

The only meaningful point of difference I can identify is the ability to pre-reserve seats, but I prefer Southwest's open seating, as I am nearly always a last-minute purchaser and, thus, consigned to the crappy seats on network carriers.

Just trying to understand... for me, the luxury is in reliably getting where I want to be with friendly service in comfortable planes; no one does it better. Certainly here, where the choice usually comes down to Southwest or AA, Southwest comes out way ahead.
Midwest, prior to the move to CRJs and "Saver Service" were my #1 preferred airline to fly. I still have Executive Status with them.

Southwest: If you don't have status you're far better off on Southwest than the others. Checking in properly and you'll have a choice of aisle seats. I finally got so torqued at AA and DL (and Midwest dropped a CRJ in to replace the Signature service) over the delays in ATL and DFW this year that I started flying Southwest's non-stop from BWI to SAT. Better seat pitch, open seating (early check-in gets aisle seat), leather seats, generally fun crews, and best of all NO CHANGE/CANCELLATION FEES.

Southwest isn't for everybody.
Midwest, prior to the move to CRJs and "Saver Service" were my #1 preferred airline to fly. I still have Executive Status with them.

Southwest: If you don't have status you're far better off on Southwest than the others. Checking in properly and you'll have a choice of aisle seats. I finally got so torqued at AA and DL (and Midwest dropped a CRJ in to replace the Signature service) over the delays in ATL and DFW this year that I started flying Southwest's non-stop from BWI to SAT. Better seat pitch, open seating (early check-in gets aisle seat), leather seats, generally fun crews, and best of all NO CHANGE/CANCELLATION FEES.

Southwest isn't for everybody.

I have no change or cancellation fees on AA and United. But then I am a top flyer on both of those airlines so those fees are waived for me. I get a shorter check in line, free upgrades to First on AA and extra upgrade coupons on UAL. For overseas travel UAL upgrades me from Business to First automatically. Lots of free drink coupons from both for those few times I am in coach. I get a special call in lines with real people in the US to handle my issues. SW gives me the same stuff that some guy flying the first time gets. No Thanks! I like being treated special