Airlines "making GA look good"

The sad thing is, if it will "save nine bucks on a round trip to Ft.
Myers", people will pay to sit in them. They'll ***** about how cramped and uncivilized the experience is, but they'll still do it cause it's the cheapest way to get there.
That hurts to think about, as I stand at the gate waiting to board my ORD to AMS flight.
Oh joy. Business travel is enough of a hassle now. Notice no place for the computer bag thet would currently fits under the seat in front of you?
There is a price for anything......

On something like the Delta shuttle (DCA-LGA), there may well be passengers willing to put up with this for an hour if it shaves $100 off the ticket.
Another article on the same seats quoted some "expert" saying that the seats are very similar comfort wise to western saddles and that since cowboys often spend several hours at a time in a saddle there shouldn't be a problem. Seems to me that the vast majority of the flying public would find riding in a saddle for even an hour to be pretty painful.
What about little people and children? Are they just gonna sit on this thing with their legs dangling? What about women of certain religions who aren't allowed to wear pants? Something tells me this isn't gonna fly well! >.<
Another article on the same seats quoted some "expert" saying that the seats are very similar comfort wise to western saddles and that since cowboys often spend several hours at a time in a saddle there shouldn't be a problem. Seems to me that the vast majority of the flying public would find riding in a saddle for even an hour to be pretty painful.

Some people have medical conditions that preclude them from riding horses anymore. Bad hips will do that.

Their "expert" fits the definition - "An "ex" is a has been, and a "spurt" is a drip under pressure".