Airliner Co. charging passengers by body weight

Translation: We want to encourage more foreigners to travel here and back and bring more money in to the economy.
They should just charge by the width of someone's ass.
If you look at what....all three planes in their "fleet"; they are small four+ passenger props. They need to weigh the people and their bags in order to get an accurate W&B anyway. They don't have the giant W&B fudge factor of a 737 when you only carry a half-dozen folks.
They are operating piston BN2 Islanders and 172s, I they may not be allowed to just assume an average weight. So if they have lots of 300 pounders on board, they have to sell less tickets or leave freight behind.
I'm more concerned a 300 pound person will slam into me during a crash like a bowling ball. The dynamic crash worthiness regulations for 9, 12 and 16 G seats are based on 170 pounds which spells guaranteed seat structure failure with the extra load in my mind.
I'm more concerned a 300 pound person will slam into me during a crash like a bowling ball. The dynamic crash worthiness regulations for 9, 12 and 16 G seats are based on 170 pounds which spells guaranteed seat structure failure with the extra load in my mind.
I'm concerned that some 170-pound weakling won't suck up enough impact energy from shrapnel flying around. Arrogant pipsqueeks like you are nothing more than sacks of blood spatter waiting to happen.

This is reason # 4,326 why I have my own plane. It ain't nobody's business how much I weigh except my own. Don't want to fly on a plane with me? Then get out of my plane.
I'm concerned that some 170-pound weakling won't suck up enough impact energy from shrapnel flying around. Arrogant pipsqueeks like you are nothing more than sacks of blood spatter waiting to happen.

This is reason # 4,326 why I have my own plane. It ain't nobody's business how much I weigh except my own. Don't want to fly on a plane with me? Then get out of my plane.

Who said I was 170 pounds?

It reallity it doesn't matter much when your sitting on a 1,000 gallons of fuel, probably 20 gallons of eye and skin burning hydraulic fluid.
I'm concerned that some 170-pound weakling won't suck up enough impact energy from shrapnel flying around. Arrogant pipsqueeks like you are nothing more than sacks of blood spatter waiting to happen.

This is reason # 4,326 why I have my own plane. It ain't nobody's business how much I weigh except my own. Don't want to fly on a plane with me? Then get out of my plane.
It does smack of elitism, or bias, or whatever... but if it improves their margin, who can blame them? :dunno:
Personally,speaking as a "pipsqueak" of under 190 lbs, my only beef with the girthy on airline flights is their, uh, girth. I know the seating is usually appalling no matter how big everybody is, but it's a lot worse when the person next to me is spilling over into my seat. If they offered to pay me for the percentage of my space they're using, I might feel better. :D
I say let the market work it out. If people don't like it, they can vote with their feet.

Just like all the little things you have to pay separate for now. I hate it, it's annoying and a hassle to figure out how much a trip is going to cost, but nobody is forcing me to fly.
They should just charge by the width of someone's ass.

How would you measure that? Men tend to have flat butts, women have round butts. Do you use a tape measure and go hip to hip, or just straight across?
I'm concerned that some 170-pound weakling won't suck up enough impact energy from shrapnel flying around. Arrogant pipsqueeks like you are nothing more than sacks of blood spatter waiting to happen.

This is reason # 4,326 why I have my own plane. It ain't nobody's business how much I weigh except my own. Don't want to fly on a plane with me? Then get out of my plane.

I wasn't gonna say anything, but I can't pass up this opportunity like you pass up a salad bar. I don't care what you weigh, (or didn't - until you made the brash assumption that everyone under 170 pounds is weak) I tell ya what, I'd bet my Mooney you couldn't go 5 minutes in the ring with Pacquaio - better start going to the gym. I'd start off on the treadmill.
How would you measure that? Men tend to have flat butts, women have round butts. Do you use a tape measure and go hip to hip, or just straight across?

Sit on a bench at the baggage counter. Works like one of the devices at the shoe store to determine the width of your foot. Anything under the standard seat width is a fixed price. Geometric progression for every inch over the standard seat width.
I wasn't gonna say anything, but I can't pass up this opportunity like you pass up a salad bar. I don't care what you weigh, (or didn't - until you made the brash assumption that everyone under 170 pounds is weak) I tell ya what, I'd bet my Mooney you couldn't go 5 minutes in the ring with Pacquaio - better start going to the gym. I'd start off on the treadmill.

5 minutes? I would take that bet. I have a major major reach advantage.
You are in pretty good health and not making stupid generalizations.
I guess it's not for sale anymore?
I know someone who might want to.
Actually I know someone who probably will buy a Comanche, and I don't want to be flying a POS around so it is in my best interests to find a nice one.
I wasn't gonna say anything, but I can't pass up this opportunity like you pass up a salad bar. I don't care what you weigh, (or didn't - until you made the brash assumption that everyone under 170 pounds is weak) I tell ya what, I'd bet my Mooney you couldn't go 5 minutes in the ring with Pacquaio - better start going to the gym. I'd start off on the treadmill.

If you believe that slender = fit then you have fallen for the worst hoax of our modern, fashion magazine obsessed society. How about you get in the ring with ANY NFL lineman who has a BMI over 40? 5 seconds later we'll need a squeegee and a hose to clean up what's left of ya.
If you believe that slender = fit then you have fallen for the worst hoax of our modern, fashion magazine obsessed society. How about you get in the ring with ANY NFL lineman who has a BMI over 40? 5 seconds later we'll need a squeegee and a hose to clean up what's left of ya.

Slender is better than fat. Ask any doctor.
Difference between you and an NFL lineman is NFL linemen excersize regularly. They are bulky because they are freaking huge, not because they ate a freaking huge meal at the Golden Corral.
I also didn't make the claim that big people can't be fit. I KNOW an NFL Lineman could flatten me. So could any college lineman. I'm also not calling out slim people on the Internet because I'm insecure I need a seatbelt extender in my 182.
The only thing that matters in GA is if you can get in the seat and get the door closed.

Many countries have high death rates due to under-eating, our country's health problems are from over-eating. Anybody who thinks differently is in denial.
Hell a david a high school linemam could probably flatten you too