Final Approach
Franklin, your first sentence remove all credit to your second paragraph.
We do what we do for safety. Going for the numbers removes the safety and whole idea of a touch down zone.
Its not an IFR touch down zone, its an always touch down zone.
I'll explain a bit further, maybe I was not clear. I understand the point of the markers..
Earlier it was stated that on instrument approaches, jet pilots are taught to fly it on to the runway without a flare. I take this to mean you set up a stabilized approach on glide slope aimed right at the markers, and don't touch anything until you hit the runway.
We all know a flare takes up some runway. What's the issue with setting up a stabilized approach aimed a few hundred feet short of the td markers WITH the intention of flaring and squeaking it on at the markers? I never meant the pilot should try to touch down elsewhere
On the video, it appears the pilot would touch down well short of the markers if he continues his stabilized approach and did not flare. but he flares and greases it on right at the markers. This is the type of approach / landing I was describing.
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