
Hi, I was trying to log into this morning, and all I get is a plcaeholder. Is anyone else having issues???

Their site has this message on the login page. At least you know you weren't imagining it.

Unscheduled Downtime:

In an attempt to improve email delivery, this morning we experienced a DNS issue that may have caused the site to be inaccessable. Our DNS service provider inadvertently deleted our DNS records. The issue was corrected immediately, however you may have been redirected to an under construction page while the new DNS records propagated through the Internet. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.
I was kinda worried, as all I get is a domain prking page.
It can take as long as a day or two for a DNS error to propagate through the internet, and for it's correction to catch up. Give it another day.
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