Aircraft owners website.

This is very interesting. It just goes to show there is no privacy anymore (if there ever was). If someone doesn't like airplane owners, they can find out where we live. We need a site like this for car licenses so we can find out who it was that cut us off in traffic and send them a nasty gram!
gee, great, just what we need.
This is very interesting. It just goes to show there is no privacy anymore (if there ever was). If someone doesn't like airplane owners, they can find out where we live.

Nothing new about that - the only thing is the above mentioned web page makes it a one step process instead of the two step then (or your preferred site) with address, phone, and a picture of the house (sometimes)

We need a site like this for car licenses so we can find out who it was that cut us off in traffic and send them a nasty gram!

I'd settle for one that deciphers personalized plates.

Some I can figure out, but some...