Air Venture Cup Race


Pre-takeoff checklist
Nov 22, 2012
Colorado Springs CO
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With Oshkosh coming up right around the corner, I thought I would post about one of the coolest ways to get there. The Air Venture Cup cross country air race is a great deal of fun and adds to the whole Oshkosh experience. We meet at the starting point the Friday before Oshkosh starts. We have social events that night with the assembled racers. Saturday we have a community event at the starting city and that evening we have a pre-race dinner and brief. On Sunday we launch for the cross-country race.

The race itself is open to all types of aircraft, both experimental and factory built. I have raced in my S-LSA Gobosh 700, and will be again this year. If you take a look at the web site you can see the wide variety of types of aircraft racing. Since you race against the clock and in a division of like aircraft, you have just as much of a chance of winning as anyone.
Anyway, this is a fun event and I hope those of you heading to OSH might give it a look.

Here is a link to the details.!2015-race-course/c1onz