Air-to-Air Comanche


Oct 28, 2014
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Jack Fleetwood
Between weather and those fun life events that pop up, I've been on the ground and not taking photos for what seems like forever! I finally got a chance to get in the air with John and get some photos of his beautiful plane and family! Back in the saddle!







#'s 3, 4, & 5 out of this series are my favorite.... you got the positioning just right for the sun glint that helps to make the photo.
Is that a 260B? What year? Mine used to have the identical paint job.
I just noticed the kids in back after a second or third look. LOL

Man that's cruel that early in the AM (unless it was in the late PM). My wife and kid would have told me to GFM. :D
I know I say it every time but love those prop shots like in 2, 3, 4, and 5.

#6 the shutter speed was a little to fast. :D
I love these, especially the fourth one (with the monkey peeking out the back-seat window)!

You got skills, man. Thanks for sharing.
Great photos Jack
I really like you getting the kids in the shots. Talk about a family heirloom. Those photos are going to be passed around by them for decades.

great job

Piper's prettiest plane, by a long shot, and possibly the prettiest GA plane overall. It's a shame they stopped building them 50 :eek: years ago.

Also love that the whole family is in the photo.. that's great
No GA airplane has finer lines than a Comanche
I remember the first twin Comanche I saw siting along the side of a little grass strip we'd just landed on. Sure was sporty looking!
I think I had just finished up my instrument rating and was starting to do some work in the school's old Apache
The Comanche looks like an airplane ought to look. You did a great job of capturing it's beauty. Thanks again for sharing these photos with us.