Pre-takeoff checklist
So is 123.45 used anywhere? I know that is not the correct air-to-air frequency but many people use it for that. It is a lot easier to remember.
I think it is used in Asia.
So is 123.45 used anywhere? I know that is not the correct air-to-air frequency but many people use it for that. It is a lot easier to remember.
No sir. Never been to DTO. Do I have a twin running around out there?
You're welcome to come visit sometime to see how the industry has evolved into a modern data driven enterprise.Off topic, but I'm assuming you own a salvage business. I've always thought that would be a great business. Growing up on a farm, I guess I'm a junk man at heart.
Young people on other forums are always wondering what they can do to get ahead, and I always tell them start a salvage yard. I ask them "have you ever seen one go out of business for any reason other than the owner died or he sold it?" Every salvage business I've watched, the guy started with little to nothing, and in a few years he has acres and acres of stuff.
You're welcome to come visit sometime to see how the industry has evolved into a modern data driven enterprise.
There was one very much like it. Red, shiney, and everything.
You're welcome to come visit sometime to see how the industry has evolved into a modern data driven enterprise.
The better ones like me no longer keep things forever. We have more data now that shows 180-225 days after the vehicle's arrival, just about all the sales we're gonna make on it have happened. So it's time to crush and replace it with a unit that is making money.
We now focus more on money turns (aiming for 4 per year) than building a collection of hulks.
I put some store bought ice in my ice chest cooler A/C thing, and it was gone in 30 minutes.
There's the problem. Ya jus' can't get good ice at the store anymore. They buy their ice from China or South America and it just isn't the same as good ole 'merican made ice. Next time keep your dollars at home and make your own ice. You'll be cooler and 'merica will be a happier place.
Better than 122.75, grab a ham license and fire up 146.52.