Air Force 2 Has Bird Strike

From the article:

"According to CNN, officials said the Boeing 757-200 engines were designed to ingest the occasional bird. There was no damage to the plane."

From the Audubon Society:

"The bird was evidently not designed to be ingested."

The VP is not a lucky passenger.
Yeah, they eat birds all the time with a rare occasion causing damage, both, the P&W and RR engines.

I know that since I used to witness the "chicken gun" tests of windshields and canopies at AEDC and a lot of bird and ice ingestion testing on USAF engines at both GE and PWA. Dropped the whole fan off a B-1 engine on one very severe ice ingestion test.

I know that since I used to witness the "chicken gun" tests of windshields and canopies at AEDC and a lot of bird and ice ingestion testing on USAF engines at both GE and PWA. Dropped the whole fan off a B-1 engine on one very severe ice ingestion test.
As an Inspector for an airline that operates more than a hundred 757-200s, I'm continually involved with bird strike/ingestion inspections.