Air Boss, a new eBook on Amazon

Rich Jessup

Filing Flight Plan
Oct 26, 2018
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Here's a great adventure story about a boy growing up in Alaska who learns to fly at twelve. He later enters the Air Force Academy to become a fighter pilot in Vietnam. Distraught about the many fighter pilots being shot down out of the reach of U.S. rescue helicopters, he builds a bush type plane with stolen military parts that can land in muddy country and starts rescuing downed airmen. After the count is 21, he earns the moniker, Black Jack Warner.

After he returns to America, he assembles a rag-tag fleet of cargo planes and starts one of the largest cargo carriers in the world. This book is a collection of the adventures throughout his life. I hope you enjoy the book.

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BookCoverJay.jpg AirBossBig2.JPG AirBossBig1.JPG
Might be a good read... I'll check it out on my Kindle app!
Sounds like the John Wayne Jones autobiography. :D Where’d he go anyway?
classified section might be more appropriate forum.

I'll check out the kindle version.