This is a ways off but I like to plan for the future.
At some point down the line I'll(hopefully) be finding myself with 50-60hrs in a cessna 172 and a brand new private pilot certificate. I'll also(hopefully) have some money to spend on my first aircraft.
One that I think fits the mission well(mostly 2, maybe sometimes more adults on 200-400nMi trips to paved runways in the Midwest) is a Cessna 177RG so let's use that as the example...
I'll need to get a complex aircraft endorsement, but that's all I would need for the FAA as far as I know. It would seem to make sense to do that in the plane I'm hypothetically buying...
But then I'll want insurance and that's where my question would come in. What kind of requirements would be typical to get insured in something like a 177RG with low hours and most of them in a 172? Will I have to get more hours before carrying passengers? How badly are they going to beat me up on premiums with low time in a complex aircraft? I know you guys can't give quotes, I'm just looking for ballpark numbers to get an idea of how reasonable I'm being.
Would it be smart to start looking for the plane I want now and try to transition to it before finishing my PPL and try to get some hours in it that way?
Or maybe buy the plane after and start working on an instrument rating in it to build hours?
At some point down the line I'll(hopefully) be finding myself with 50-60hrs in a cessna 172 and a brand new private pilot certificate. I'll also(hopefully) have some money to spend on my first aircraft.
One that I think fits the mission well(mostly 2, maybe sometimes more adults on 200-400nMi trips to paved runways in the Midwest) is a Cessna 177RG so let's use that as the example...
I'll need to get a complex aircraft endorsement, but that's all I would need for the FAA as far as I know. It would seem to make sense to do that in the plane I'm hypothetically buying...
But then I'll want insurance and that's where my question would come in. What kind of requirements would be typical to get insured in something like a 177RG with low hours and most of them in a 172? Will I have to get more hours before carrying passengers? How badly are they going to beat me up on premiums with low time in a complex aircraft? I know you guys can't give quotes, I'm just looking for ballpark numbers to get an idea of how reasonable I'm being.
Would it be smart to start looking for the plane I want now and try to transition to it before finishing my PPL and try to get some hours in it that way?
Or maybe buy the plane after and start working on an instrument rating in it to build hours?