ADD HIMS Success Story

ADD HIMS Success

Filing Flight Plan
Feb 3, 2024
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ADD HIMS Success
tl;dr: 50 weeks from start to first-class medical with a history of ADD medicine

I found so many helpful stories and reports on this forum that I wanted to share mine in hopes it would help someone else.

Like so many people my age, I was prescribed ADD medication in elementary school when a teacher noticed I was having trouble paying attention (turns out she was just boring). I took myself off of it a couple years later. As an adult, I mentioned to my doctor that I wished I could focus more at work, he saw that I had taken medicine when I was younger, and boom, I was back on it before I even knew what happened. I took myself off of it again a few years later when I realized it was doing more harm than good.

I've had two first-class medicals previously in my life (one in mid-2022, when I was no longer taking medication, and one in the early 2000s, between my childhood and adult medications). Like so many others, I had no idea a history of ADD medication qualified me as having a "mental disorder." I discovered that a few months after my 2022 medical, and kind of freaked out.

I reached out to the incredible @bbchien in the very last days of 2022, and within a few days was on the year-long journey to get this all right. This will probably sound fairly familiar to those of you who have seen this process before. I had to gather all of my medical records for the past decade. This took almost 5 months. Some doctors & pharmacies got them to me right away, others I had to fight with for a few weeks, and some I had to go back for another appointment for them to give me a note to say that everything was good from their perspective. Some of those appointments took months to get. This is why Dr. Chien recommends getting all of this done before you submit anything to the FAA - I believe they only give you 90 days for everything.

Once I finally had those records, I was able to schedule the neuropsychological testing (including the one everyone talks about, the cogscreen). I had the testing in early May, and apparently did quite well. It was a tough, full day, but I've definitely had worse days that were more mentally taxing. I only had to do the initial battery.

Side note: I did have to travel to have this testing done. It turns out the hotel I had originally booked had rock-hard beds, and I knew I would get zero sleep. Sleep is the most critical thing you can have for this testing. I checked into a different hotel down the street, and even though I'm fairly frugal, I've never once second-guessed my choice to pay for two hotels that night. It was worth every penny for a good night's sleep.

Once that was done, it was 2 months before I could get in to see Dr. Chien. When I was finally able to, the appointment was quick and great. He told me that day that with the scores I had gotten, I would be in the "fast track" line at the FAA, which at the time was "only" 75 days.

Time passed, and as 75 days came and went, I reached out to Dr. Chien to see if he might know anything. He let me know that the timeframe for even the fast track had doubled or more, and there was no reason to think it wouldn't keep growing. Instead of September/October, I was now looking at February or later. I had read on here that your congresssman or regional flight surgeon could sometimes help speed things along, so I reached out to my US House Representative and RFS (the FAA is required to respond to a congressional inquiry within 10 days, even if just to say they have received your application). I waited about a month and a half with no results, and then decided it couldn't hurt anything to also contact my senator.

A week later, I had my medical. I have no idea if the senator carried more weight, or the timing just happened to work out, or having 3 separate groups bugging them did something, or what. Either way, I'm happy.

People always want tips, so here are a few:
1. Talk to an AME FIRST. Either reach out to Dr. Chien, or find a HIMS AME in your area, or something. Make sure you make an appointment for a consultation, not an exam. You'll be able to talk off the record, and get instructions on how to proceed. This is not a process for the faint of heart, and not something to even consider doing without professional guidance.

2. Patience. You're moving at the speed of government, and at this point, a severely understaffed portion of the government. It will take longer than you think.

3. Prepare for your cognitive testing. This one is a little controversial, because people say you can't prepare for that. I strongly beg to differ. I used apps like Lumosity and BrainHQ to get my mind back into that kind of thinking. While I'm fully capable of split-second observations, reactions, and decision-making, that's not something that's normally a part of my everyday life (at least not on this level). By doing those exercises, I definitely improved my reaction times vs what they would have been if I had gone in cold.

There are also lots of resources to help you better understand what the cogscreen is. I'm the type of person who likes to know what I'm going in to, so even just having read a brief description of most of the exercises was a huge help. This isn't some closely-guarded secret like some like to pretend that it is - they're published right on the cogscreen website.

Feel free to ask any questions. I know the process, and know how much it sucks, and would be happy to help anyone else who finds themselves in this crappy situation.

I have some very helpful links that I would post, but it looks like I'm not allowed to until I have more posts. Maybe I'll go make some random ones until I can post those, or maybe a mod can remove that restriction for me.
Thanks for reporting on this.

I am curious if any penalty was assigned, since you did not report this on previous medicals.

Furthermore what was the exact procedure, did you self ground first, then went for the neuropsychological testing/cogscreen and then reapply?
Thanks for reporting on this.

I am curious if any penalty was assigned, since you did not report this on previous medicals.

Furthermore what was the exact procedure, did you self ground first, then went for the neuropsychological testing/cogscreen and then reapply?

There was no penalty. I would like to think that since this is such a common thing for new pilots to miss, the FAA doesn't come down too hard on those who voluntarily self-report when they discover the issue. I base that on absolutely nothing, and I'm sure there are others in this forum who would probably disagree. Whatever the reason, they didn't penalize me.

Yes, at Dr. Chien's direction, I self-grounded the day I contacted him. I then went through the process described above - gathering medical records, doing testing, reapplying.
There was no penalty. I would like to think that since this is such a common thing for new pilots to miss, the FAA doesn't come down too hard on those who voluntarily self-report when they discover the issue. I base that on absolutely nothing, and I'm sure there are others in this forum who would probably disagree. Whatever the reason, they didn't penalize me.

Yes, at Dr. Chien's direction, I self-grounded the day I contacted him. I then went through the process described above - gathering medical records, doing testing, reapplying.

Good to know they did not penalize you.

I think this establishes a pathway for those who have omitted something, for whatever reason, on their previous medical to "clear the air".
I'm now able to add the links I intended to add in the original post. Hopefully these will be helpful to others. They're some of the best resources I found describing this process, in part or in whole:

You'll have plenty of time during this process to read up on the testing, so if you like to have as much info as possible going into it, here are a few links I found very helpful:

There's also a cogscreen subreddit that seems to come and go. If you know how to use, I'm sure you'll be able to find it.
Thanks for posting, and congrats! I'm sure it will be helpful to others that will have to go through the same process. I am curious, would you be able and willing to ballpark and provide the financial costs you in incurred?
Thanks for posting, and congrats! I'm sure it will be helpful to others that will have to go through the same process. I am curious, would you be able and willing to ballpark and provide the financial costs you in incurred?
I can give you pretty exact numbers:

Neuropsychological Exam - $1900
Dr Chien - $675 (as many hours as he spent helping me with this, he's clearly not in it for the money.)
Travel for both of the above appointments - $983
Medical records - ~$200. Only one office charged for records retrieval ($45). The remainder is just copays for appointments that I had to have in order to get the necessary paperwork.
Drug test after psych exam - ~$150. I don't have exact numbers, because my insurance somehow paid for it. Most don't, but it doesn't hurt anything to file and find out.

So all told, it was just under $4,000.
Awesome outcome! I know what its like to play the FAA game...waiting and hoping....and the incredible Dr. Chien. Congratulations!!
Time passed, and as 75 days came and went, I reached out to Dr. Chien to see if he might know anything. He let me know that the timeframe for even the fast track had doubled or more, and there was no reason to think it wouldn't keep growing. Instead of September/October, I was now looking at February or later. I had read on here that your congresssman or regional flight surgeon could sometimes help speed things along, so I reached out to my US House Representative and RFS (the FAA is required to respond to a congressional inquiry within 10 days, even if just to say they have received your application). I waited about a month and a half with no results, and then decided it couldn't hurt anything to also contact my senator.
In total how long (in calendar days) would you say your wait was from submitting your complete packet to MedXpress to receiving your medical?

How many days did you wait before calling in Congressional help?

I'm asking because I submitted my complete Fast Track packet back in late October and am trying to gauge how much longer I should expect to wait before I hear back...
In total how long (in calendar days) would you say your wait was from submitting your complete packet to MedXpress to receiving your medical?

How many days did you wait before calling in Congressional help?

I'm asking because I submitted my complete Fast Track packet back in late October and am trying to gauge how much longer I should expect to wait before I hear back...
Day 0 - Exam with Dr. Chien, all information submitted to FAA
Day 102: Called RFS and House Representative
Day 154: Called Senator
Day 163: Received medical

I should mention that after my initial interaction with my representative's staff, I heard pretty much nothing back from their office (even after contacting them). I have no idea if they really did much of anything at all. I don't know if there's some magical difference between representative and senator, or if the senator's staff just tried harder, or if the timing just happened to work out like that.
I can give you pretty exact numbers:

Neuropsychological Exam - $1900
Dr Chien - $675 (as many hours as he spent helping me with this, he's clearly not in it for the money.)
Travel for both of the above appointments - $983
Medical records - ~$200. Only one office charged for records retrieval ($45). The remainder is just copays for appointments that I had to have in order to get the necessary paperwork.
Drug test after psych exam - ~$150. I don't have exact numbers, because my insurance somehow paid for it. Most don't, but it doesn't hurt anything to file and find out.

So all told, it was just under $4,000.
who did your neuropsych?
Dear Captain;

Congratulations on achieving your medical; I hope you have a long, fulfilling and productive career in aviation.
Day 154: Called Senator
Day 163: Received medical
Let me just say: "Trust the Science [Scientists]!"

Good on you exercising whatever influence you had at your disposal to advance your objective. If the system you are forced to wrestle with was worth its salt, your actions wouldn't have been necessary, nor sufficient.
tl;dr: 50 weeks from start to first-class medical with a history of ADD medicine

I found so many helpful stories and reports on this forum that I wanted to share mine in hopes it would help someone else.

Like so many people my age, I was prescribed ADD medication in elementary school when a teacher noticed I was having trouble paying attention (turns out she was just boring). I took myself off of it a couple years later. As an adult, I mentioned to my doctor that I wished I could focus more at work, he saw that I had taken medicine when I was younger, and boom, I was back on it before I even knew what happened. I took myself off of it again a few years later when I realized it was doing more harm than good.

I've had two first-class medicals previously in my life (one in mid-2022, when I was no longer taking medication, and one in the early 2000s, between my childhood and adult medications). Like so many others, I had no idea a history of ADD medication qualified me as having a "mental disorder." I discovered that a few months after my 2022 medical, and kind of freaked out.

I reached out to the incredible @bbchien in the very last days of 2022, and within a few days was on the year-long journey to get this all right. This will probably sound fairly familiar to those of you who have seen this process before. I had to gather all of my medical records for the past decade. This took almost 5 months. Some doctors & pharmacies got them to me right away, others I had to fight with for a few weeks, and some I had to go back for another appointment for them to give me a note to say that everything was good from their perspective. Some of those appointments took months to get. This is why Dr. Chien recommends getting all of this done before you submit anything to the FAA - I believe they only give you 90 days for everything.

Once I finally had those records, I was able to schedule the neuropsychological testing (including the one everyone talks about, the cogscreen). I had the testing in early May, and apparently did quite well. It was a tough, full day, but I've definitely had worse days that were more mentally taxing. I only had to do the initial battery.

Side note: I did have to travel to have this testing done. It turns out the hotel I had originally booked had rock-hard beds, and I knew I would get zero sleep. Sleep is the most critical thing you can have for this testing. I checked into a different hotel down the street, and even though I'm fairly frugal, I've never once second-guessed my choice to pay for two hotels that night. It was worth every penny for a good night's sleep.

Once that was done, it was 2 months before I could get in to see Dr. Chien. When I was finally able to, the appointment was quick and great. He told me that day that with the scores I had gotten, I would be in the "fast track" line at the FAA, which at the time was "only" 75 days.

Time passed, and as 75 days came and went, I reached out to Dr. Chien to see if he might know anything. He let me know that the timeframe for even the fast track had doubled or more, and there was no reason to think it wouldn't keep growing. Instead of September/October, I was now looking at February or later. I had read on here that your congresssman or regional flight surgeon could sometimes help speed things along, so I reached out to my US House Representative and RFS (the FAA is required to respond to a congressional inquiry within 10 days, even if just to say they have received your application). I waited about a month and a half with no results, and then decided it couldn't hurt anything to also contact my senator.

A week later, I had my medical. I have no idea if the senator carried more weight, or the timing just happened to work out, or having 3 separate groups bugging them did something, or what. Either way, I'm happy.

People always want tips, so here are a few:
1. Talk to an AME FIRST. Either reach out to Dr. Chien, or find a HIMS AME in your area, or something. Make sure you make an appointment for a consultation, not an exam. You'll be able to talk off the record, and get instructions on how to proceed. This is not a process for the faint of heart, and not something to even consider doing without professional guidance.

2. Patience. You're moving at the speed of government, and at this point, a severely understaffed portion of the government. It will take longer than you think.

3. Prepare for your cognitive testing. This one is a little controversial, because people say you can't prepare for that. I strongly beg to differ. I used apps like Lumosity and BrainHQ to get my mind back into that kind of thinking. While I'm fully capable of split-second observations, reactions, and decision-making, that's not something that's normally a part of my everyday life (at least not on this level). By doing those exercises, I definitely improved my reaction times vs what they would have been if I had gone in cold.

There are also lots of resources to help you better understand what the cogscreen is. I'm the type of person who likes to know what I'm going in to, so even just having read a brief description of most of the exercises was a huge help. This isn't some closely-guarded secret like some like to pretend that it is - they're published right on the cogscreen website.

Feel free to ask any questions. I know the process, and know how much it sucks, and would be happy to help anyone else who finds themselves in this crappy situation.

I have some very helpful links that I would post, but it looks like I'm not allowed to until I have more posts. Maybe I'll go make some random ones until I can post those, or maybe a mod can remove that restriction for me.
Hello there!

It is great to hear a success story involving ADHD and the first class medical, congrats to you! I am also an aspiring pilot with an adhd diagnosis, and am looking to get started on the process of obtaining my first class. I was hoping I might be able to ask you, would you be willing to disclose the name of the Neuropsychologist you went to for your cogscreen? I noticed that you mentioned you traveled to take it, and I am currently doing research on finding my own Neuropsychologist. I would love to chat about who you went to, and what you thought about them!

Cheers, hope to hear from you soon :)
I can give you pretty exact numbers:

Neuropsychological Exam - $1900
Dr Chien - $675 (as many hours as he spent helping me with this, he's clearly not in it for the money.)
Travel for both of the above appointments - $983
Medical records - ~$200. Only one office charged for records retrieval ($45). The remainder is just copays for appointments that I had to have in order to get the necessary paperwork.
Drug test after psych exam - ~$150. I don't have exact numbers, because my insurance somehow paid for it. Most don't, but it doesn't hurt anything to file and find out.

So all told, it was just under $4,000.
where does one acquire all medical records ? i got diagnosed with adhd as a kid and haven’t taken medication in over 10 years. good chance my old pediatrician is retired by now and don’t remember the office

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