Actually using "AI"

Absolutely. There's guys like my buddy who ask it a random question about quantum mechanics at dinner, then show us all the screen filled with long descriptions and mathematical formulas to "prove" that it has a PhD level understanding of quantum physics. Doesn't matter than he has zero chance of ever validating that the answer is correct. But some people really are convinced by just the presence of an intelligent sounding/looking answer. Dangerous!
(my emphasis)

Hold it . . . are you talking about AI.

Or 95% of my teachers through high school?
One of the major issues that needs to be worked out with these models is that they don't seem to be able to simply say "I don't know". They are currently designed so that they have to give an answer, with the confidence of a politician or mid-level corporate manager, regardless of its accuracy.
Exactly. A simple, "I don't know the answer to that", or maybe, "I don't have enough information yet to answer that" would be refreshing. Hell, even Alexa will tell you that. "Hmmm... I don't know the answer to that one." An answer that may not be particularly useful to you, but it is both simple and correct.

I was kind of hoping that when AI became a reality they'd choose something better than a politician, mid-level manager, or consultant to emulate.
I worked for DENSO on the Ford EV capacitor line in Marysville TN (brutal, mindnumbing work) and they tried to use AI and robots for some welding and soldering tasks. Also for QA (is this part soldered properly).

Wanna guess what machines were constantly broken? Sure the meat sacks made mistakes... but mainly due to the mind numbing repetitive work. The Robots would stop the line for HOURS. If we made 300 parts on a 12 hour shift it was a good day. I think the record was only 425 parts in 12 hours. Of course the Glorious Nippon work ethic had us cleaning for the HOURS of downtime.. also no sitting. EVER.

AI is not Intelligent. Its basically a search algorithm. It has to classify volumes of information and then is a comparison of new data to the old. Its this comparison of key tokens that takes of the power to do.

AI is the hot new VC market... pump n dump just like EV-vtol and air taxis. Its a shell game for investors... nay, speculators.