Actually Heard This Yesterday

Yea I used to do bohemouth patterns, I’ll admit. When I bought my Cessna 140 and had to get my TW, first time around the patch and Larry says to me, “ that was your freebie, if you ever get me that far from the runway again in the pattern your power will get pulled and you won’t get it back till you are convinced you would never have made that runway!”

I believed him, felt awkward at first- but now when I fly right seat with a buddy I’m bewildered about how long we are dragging the poor thing in...

In fact I’m often in so tight I now usually call “Tumblweed traffic spam can with rag wing 123 turning base then an immediate final tumbleweed” otherwise it’s seconds later I’m calling again anyway clogging the frequency more..
How about this:

"Hey Y'all! This here's Cessna fav fur nyner. I'm fav mauls nerthwist at twunny fav hunnert feet, inbound fer a looowww approach, runway two fav. Imma doin' summa thet instroomint stuff out hyar, but doncha worry 'bout thet none..."

I'd call that an excellent initial call on CTAF.

This is gold. It's funny... I always pretend to do accents with my kids in the plane. Makes them laugh. Just once I want to do one over CTAF.
This is gold. It's funny... I always pretend to do accents with my kids in the plane. Makes them laugh. Just once I want to do one over CTAF.

Years ago, the local controller at Morgantown, WV sounded exactly like Elmer Fudd. I always made a point to do my best Bugs Bunny and Since then I always acknowledge in the affirmative with "soytanly!"