My buddy and I are both currently instrument rated, and current. We would like to go shoot some approaches together in actual Instrument conditions.
What is the procedure for actually starting the flight? we are at a towered airport. Do we need to file a flight plan and say we are just going to shoot local approaches? or can we just start up and call tower for an IFR clearance? any information on this subject would be helpful and also the ways you would handle a local Actual IMC flight and also the best way to get going on an actual IMC cross country. Thanks!
What is the procedure for actually starting the flight? we are at a towered airport. Do we need to file a flight plan and say we are just going to shoot local approaches? or can we just start up and call tower for an IFR clearance? any information on this subject would be helpful and also the ways you would handle a local Actual IMC flight and also the best way to get going on an actual IMC cross country. Thanks!