Accelerated PPL Training - References Needed


Filing Flight Plan
Sep 14, 2018
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I'm looking for PPL training where I can go somewhere in the US where I can allocate a finite block of time (e.g. 4-6 weeks) for the flight portion of PPL training. That said there are numerous options if one searches the internet but it is difficult to impossible to determine a reputable school without a reference. Researching the forums shows many people posting potential options, but unless I missed something I have not seen anyone post their personal experience with successfully pursuing an "accelerated" program.

I can recommend Kingsky Flight Academy in Lakeland, Florida. They treated me real well. Just be sure to speak up if the instructor they put you with isn't working out for you after a few flights.Planes were in great shape and enough of them that scheduling wasn't an issue. Flew 3 times a day sometimes.
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I went to Phoenix east aviation in Daytona FL. But that was about 15-20 yrs ago. Was good place, decent planes.
Have to pick and area that you are going to get a lot of VFR weather.
I liked learning via the accelerated, fly every day way.
Pick a time of year and locale where your chances of good weather are high. Also make sure the school has more than one plane of whatever model you will be flying. Weather and mechanical issues can wreck your plans.

Young instructors bolting for the airlines can also slow you down. I lost 3 CFIs that way.
Farky - Kingsky matches what I'm looking for. My plan is to call them this week for more information. Do you have a sense of their relationship with local DPEs?

Benyflyguy - It appears that Phoenix East is focused at this point on zero to ATP students, mostly from the international community where nominally those operations focus their resources on longer term students.
VSC, I am very interested in Kingsky as well. The web site paints a nice picture with housing and all. Have you found anyone with personal experience with them using their accelerated program?
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vsc, I did not personally do a checkride with them but I do know that 2 or 3 dpe's they use on a regular basis seem to have good availability for them. I was a few days from a checkride when I had to leave and they were gonna call and get it scheduled so I would think if they can book at that short of notice they're in pretty good shape.

Cptwing, I did not use their housing as it was full at the time. As far as their accelerated program, they sit down with you and make a plan of action when you arrive and then taylor it to your abilities after a few flights to evaluate your skill level. Have nothing but good to say about them. Would have stayed a few more days and finished everything up but I had to get back home before I had a chance to get the checkrue done.
Also in Lakeland is Tailwheels. Did my PPL there and they were great.
Tailwheels is out of business! I think Kingsky maybe their new name?

I called Kingsky, they seemed very accommodating and seem to have very good reviews. I am very likely going to try it there. I am a bit skeptical but my plan is to go there and finish up PPL, just need to finalize the dates. If it works out I may go back for IFR. VSC if you are really serious PM me, I would rather not post more details publicly.
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I did my PPL in 13 days at Blueridge Sport Flight in Hendersonville NC. Instructor was really good and knowledgeable, and had high standards. The only comment I have is that he is an ex Marine aviator so the training will be focused on flying (So you need to study up before arrival) and expect to be flying at least 5 hours per day. So if you are prepared for that it will work. Personally I think it was great experience.

As a side note most of the flying is done out of 0A7 on a short grass strip (With trees at each end), so I guarantee at the end you will be a great short and soft field pilot. (I actually did not land on a paved strip until 1/2 way through the training!
Tailwheels is out of business! I think Kingsky maybe their new name?

Not sure what happened to Tailwheels...but juts looked up Kingsky...Randy who is now one of the principals there was my CFI from Tailwheels. He has the accelerated program and training system down pat. He got my arse from zero to PPL signed off in 10.5 days!

You will be in good hands!

KLAL is a great field to train at. You will get the experience of a Class D yet lots of uncontrolled fields nearby to also get comfortable at so you are not a one tick pony...but it may be more expensive than you is also on the will find a whole pilot store of things you didn't even know you needed!
Not sure what happened to Tailwheels...but juts looked up Kingsky...Randy who is now one of the principals there was my CFI from Tailwheels. He has the accelerated program and training system down pat. He got my arse from zero to PPL signed off in 10.5 days!

You will be in good hands!

KLAL is a great field to train at. You will get the experience of a Class D yet lots of uncontrolled fields nearby to also get comfortable at so you are not a one tick pony...but it may be more expensive than you is also on the will find a whole pilot store of things you didn't even know you needed!

How expensive?

What stuff might I need besides headset, E6-B, CX-3, plotter, Jeppesen student pilot kit, kneeboard(s), iPad with ForeFlight. Obviously I will need current sectional charts but what else am I missing?
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I trained at Tailwheels and had a great experience, as far as I know they didn't go out of business, they sold to International Aero Academy and all the same planes operate under that company.
My read is that International Aero is operated by different senior management with respect to the former Tailwheels. I'm not sure how Tailwheels mishap history played into the changes. Overall I believe one has to view International Aero and Tailwheels as different companies at this juncture, each with their own history.
FYI Tailwheels had a fatal crash before they went out of business. So did they just reopen under a new name?

Figured that fatal played a role in the end of Tailwheels for whatever reason. I knew that CFI that went down from my time there, he was the CFI of a friend that I mat at the school.

Kingsky is different management. I do believe that Randy departed Tailwheels before that crash and they are probably just filling the void that Tailwheels left behind at KLAL. As mush as I promoted Tailwheels in the past, I would have the same feelings about Kingsky if he is one of the heads there.
Not sure what type of dude you are, but if you got thicker skin and want to really learn how to fly properly, I whole heartily can recommend these guys, just let them know you just want your PPL, it’ll also be all Tailwheel.
Not sure what type of dude you are, but if you got thicker skin and want to really learn how to fly properly, I whole heartily can recommend these guys, just let them know you just want your PPL, it’ll also be all Tailwheel.

I have friends that went there that say they're lucky to be alive. Your post is the first positive feedback I've ever heard about that place.
I have friends that went there that say they're lucky to be alive. Your post is the first positive feedback I've ever heard about that place.

I have a good bit of experience with agflight, ether your friends were messing with you or...well let’s say they don’t need to worry about putting the toilet seat down.

They might not be able to help you put your hair up in a man bun, or give suggestions on where to plug your Tesla in, but they turn out phenomenal pilots and their CFIs are faaaaar from your typical hour builders