I think the Cessna was at greater fault here.
Which airplane had the right of way? Matt did. Who is responsible for clearing final before taking the runway? The Cessna. Who obviously didn't have their radios set properly? The Cessna, and we know this because Matt and company were successfully talking with others on the CTAF.
Matt and his captain made one judgement call that they wish they'd done differently - they waited too long to go-around. They executed all their procedures correctly.
The guys in the Cessna made a number of errors - radio not set correctly, and not checked (and caught). They didn't clear final before actually taking the runway.
I'm impressed by the way the after-incident was handled by Matt/Capt, and a little less by the Cessna guys if they showed up ****ed. Note the difference - Matt's crew immediately thought of what they themselves did wrong, while it SOUNDS like the Cessna guys believed they were without fault, at least at first. After it got sorted out, I think valuable lessons were learned by everyone, including us.
One additional takeaway - the system worked here in spite of multiple failures, which makes me happy.
Think about the Cessna guys' argument, with no other evidence, "How DARE you nearly LAND ON TOP ME when I'm TAKING OFF!!!!???"
Bring that before a administrative hearing and see how far it flies. See how FARs it flies.
The only thing that would soften my take on it is I didn't consider the high wing blocking the view down final.