A typical Saturday morning

Most Saturdays when it isn't hunting season I go to the local Warplane Museum and work on airplanes. This weekend helped pull and inspect the tailwheel on the C47. We did a few repairs on the the tow bar connections we repacked the bearings. You never know what you are going to get into on any given weekend. Anything from swapping engines to annual inspections.
Usually wake up, check weather, go fly, else sit at home and contemplate on is it a good day to get those dirty laundry washed or not. Get on skyvector and contemplate some more

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Life hasn’t been the same since the Bugs Bunny / Road Runner Hour ended.
My week comprises six Saturdays and one Sunday.


Now, a typical Saturday? Not sure I have a typical one. Yesterday I started the day riding a pressurized aluminum mailing tube from IAD to SEA, then drove home. Annual meeting for the flying club last evening. Next Saturday? I don't know. April 14 will be spent riding pressurized aluminum mailing tubes from CDG to SEA with a connection at ORD. Too many variables to say what a typical Saturday might be.

Retirement is wonderful. :D
A few people in the pits got it. Not sure if anyone in the stands got it.

We usually did 2 derbies a year, more for fun that anything else.

I've never driven in a demo derby, but I recall driving in a 10-lap sprint race at Sebring that might as well have been one...
April -December: wake up, shower, check the weather and fly to a nearby airport serving good breakfast.

December-March: Wake up, shower, eat pancakes, drive up to the ski resort, and ski patrol from 3pm until closing time, which varies from 10:30pm and 2am.
If it's a Cloud Nine weekend: Wake up early, fly all day, get home late.

If it's a weekend at home: Wake up... probably also early (kids), have a nice breakfast, get on to whatever projects we're working on.
Been in a few of those myself. The purse wasn't enough to pay for the damage to the car...:lol::lol::lol:


At least you raced for a purse. All we had was, sometimes, a plastic trophy. Sometimes not even that. The only way we could make a small fortune from racing was to start with a large one.