A really bad Thursday......


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 13, 2014
high desert NM
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I had a really bad weekend starting last Thursday.

Anyone else have a bad Thursday?
Nah I'm off on Thursday. Wait, I'm off everyday, never mind. Carry on.

Ummm yeah. **** this week.

Yeah, sounds like not happy times for you and your family right now. Definitely we will remember you and your family in our prayers.

As for me, last Thursday I had a heart attack.
Yeah, sounds like not happy times for you and your family right now. Definitely we will remember you and your family in our prayers.

As for me, last Thursday I had a heart attack.
Wow hope you are doing better.

For me: Friday flying into untowered airport my landing gear would not lower so I circled until I got them down with the emergency level. As I landed I see a jet about to cross the numbers the opposite direction trying to land. He must be on the wrong frequency because we have not heard any radio calls from him. I know we are on the right frequency because I am talking to a plane waiting for me to land so he can take off. The jet sees me on the runway and goes around as I make a high speed exit from the runway. After dropping off my passenger and having a shouting match with the jet captain after he landed, I taxied out to take off. On the takeoff roll my front tire blew out. I got the plane stopped and taxied off the runway.
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As for me, last Thursday I had a heart attack.

Very bad! I hope you'll be on the mend quickly. I'll admit to not knowing what recovery/treatment/etc looks like for a heart attack as nobody I've been close to has had one.
Yeah, sounds like not happy times for you and your family right now. Definitely we will remember you and your family in our prayers.

As for me, last Thursday I had a heart attack.

Damn, glad you're here to post about it. Rest up and come back stronger

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Yeah, sounds like not happy times for you and your family right now. Definitely we will remember you and your family in our prayers.

As for me, last Thursday I had a heart attack.

Oh no!

Not kidding here... get with Doc Bruce and get the info collection started NOW for the SI. He has gotten people back in the air in six months, depending on the specific damage done, if any, etc. One person I know personally said it was three inches of paperwork plus a DVD with data from tests. If anyone can help you navigate those waters, it's Bruce.
Wow hope you are doing better.

For me: Friday flying into untowered airport my landing gear would not lower so I circled until I got them down with the emergency level. As I landed I see a jet about to cross the numbers the opposite direction trying to land. He must be on the wrong frequency because we have not heard any radio calls from him. I know we are on the right frequency because I am talking to a plane waiting for me to land so he can take off. The jet sees me on the runway and goes around as I make a high speed exit from the runway. After dropping off my passenger and having a shouting match with the jet captain after he landed, I taxied out to take off. On the takeoff roll my front tire blew out. I got the plane stopped and taxied off the runway.

I gladly would go back in time and trade with ya...:)
Oh no!

Not kidding here... get with Doc Bruce and get the info collection started NOW for the SI. He has gotten people back in the air in six months, depending on the specific damage done, if any, etc. One person I know personally said it was three inches of paperwork plus a DVD with data from tests. If anyone can help you navigate those waters, it's Bruce.

Not falling on deaf ears here. Good advice, thanks..!!!
You win your Thursday was far worse than mine.

Seriously get better soon.
Zeld, I'm sorry for your bad luck. You will persevere! And yes, contact Bruce when you feel up to it, he KNOWS this stuff.
On the takeoff roll my front tire blew out. I got the plane stopped and taxied off the runway.

Had a great weekend, washed and waxed my airplane. As I was walking to the loo I saw one of my hangar neighbors working on his enormous pressurized Beech twin that he flies VFR. He had huge nicks out of both props, no prop strike but he'll need new blades. Said it happened when landing locally in bad conditions, I think he hit a landing light or something, but got a flat and wound up with some trouble. I asked him if he had gas. he said yes. I told him he didn't need to do the landing. As far as I'm concerned, you don't need to land unless you're out of gas or on fire.

I am such an *******.
It's the curse of the Thursday!
My bad weekend starts Thursday Sept 7.
But I did get to fly on Labor Day, and it was wonderful.
Oh man....I have become one of these people.... now I am now officially old...:lol::lol:
