A Minor Blow to the TSA?

But I think they will still need to search passengers per TSA standards. So the groping will continue, just not with the TSA guys.
No, not really. We have those private screeners at SFO, too. They follow TSA protocol, too, so there's little difference.

The major blow will be next week when Ma and Pa Kettle learn - for the first time - what this new "security" actually means. Most people seem to think that the patdown is the same they received last year. They're in for a surprise!
But I think they will still need to search passengers per TSA standards. So the groping will continue, just not with the TSA guys.

So maybe they'll offer the option of opposite sex patdowns and inject a little fun into the proceedings??????
So maybe they'll offer the option of opposite sex patdowns and inject a little fun into the proceedings??????

ehh - at least it will be somebody other than TSA. Even if the scans and patdowns aren't any different, there is the chance that at least they will be perceived as more "professional".
Actually, the private companies could do really well. Most folks wouldn't mind the pat-downs so much if they came from underwear models.
No, not really. We have those private screeners at SFO, too. They follow TSA protocol, too, so there's little difference.
My experience with SFO private security is that they truly do follow TSA. As in they are behind TSA and are often doing somethings that TSA is not doing.
My experience with SFO private security is that they truly do follow TSA. As in they are behind TSA and are often doing somethings that TSA is not doing.
Yes. They do seem to be more efficient (as in, there aren't usually 10 TSOs standing around just shooting the breeze), but on the other hand, I would NOT want to have to take the non-elite security line during peak times. Terminal 3 (United, AA) often has 1-2+ hour waits :hairraise: 5 minutes if you can take the elite security line, though.

It should be even more interesting now since those useless body scanners are about 6X slower than the metal detectors.....can't wait to see what happens next week! Maybe it's time to bring a folding chair :P

Ooops... Didn't catch that little detail... Of course, the really ironic thing is that he/she is better looking than all the female TSA employees that I've seen... Scary... Maybe they are recruiting from outside of our species? Maybe he/she should give them the name of his/her plastic surgeon?