A Great Day To Fly!


Touchdown! Greaser!
Jun 15, 2008
Husker Nation, NE
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Having completed the install of a genuinely uncertified air / oil separator and an oil change in my RV-8, I was obligated as the MIC (mechanic in charge) to test fly after properly noting said alteration in the logs. :rolleyes: :lol:

With temps in the 60's and sever clear it was a MAGNIFICENT day to fly. Lots of stuff to see. Grass fires, people out everywhere, boating, fishing, enjoying the spring day!

I took to the skies for nearly 3 hours just tooling around burning 4.7 GPH and still doing a comfortable 100 knots. The RV-8 for low and slow!

Did a little acro too!

Took a buddy up flying too! First time I have carried a passenger in the tail dragger. He was nervous!

Where did you go today? What did you do? What did you fly?
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I agree!!! I flew my Citabria to KOFK, then KOLU then a nice low level flight down the Platte River back to KFET. It was a beautiful morning:D
Not fair. :mad: Been rain and low ceilings here today and tomorrow.
:D Flying tomorrow.....it's been 2 weeks. But I've flown my Elite sim ... :D
Low ceiling and temperatures below 40 here in Michigan... :mad:
34F, windy and low ceilings here or I would be flying up tomorrow to inspect an almost ready to fly -10 in PA. Would also like to go up to VLL, Troy MI to see our new niece. Maybe next weekend we can do both. Sounds like a few of you got some air under those wings.
I had today off, so I decided to sleep until 1 and stay away from the airport; however, it was really nice out today, so I wouldn't have hated it if I had to go flying.
I finally got out of the hangar and flew for a hour. Thanks to Mr. Sledge for inventing that over sized hammer that can shatter ice. It should get over freezing today to help melt whats left.
Leaving for the airport in 15 minutes. Sorry you laggards wasting your life on sleep won't be there.
I am stuck in the middle of Pennsylvania for the next couple of weeks for work. It is low 30's with rain, sleet and plenty of wind, so no flying for me.