8500-8 Question 10 Incorrect


Filing Flight Plan
Jun 29, 2024
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I am a student pilot just a few hours in. Did my medical the other day and just noticed I answered question 10 incorrect where it asks what certificate I currently hold. Instead of selecting None I put Private. Not sure if this happened during the exam or before.

Should I worry about correcting this? If so, how should I go about correcting?
My 3rd class medical was deferred to the FAA, but I noticed when I got home that question 10 was wrong. I am a student and the question asked what certificates I currently hold. Correct answer is “none” but mine was answered “private.”

Will this be an issue that I need to try and address now? Can I be denied when the FAA reviews my deferred medical?
Ha! You mean you LIED on a FEDERAL form? That’s a FELONY!!!!

Not… No, this isn’t a big deal.

This is, however, a good learning point in that it could easily take a week of phone calls to figure out how to get it fixed. Won’t be the last time you do this…

Start with your AME. They rarely return calls or even know how to do much along these lines. Then try literally calling your local FSDO and talking to one of those nice folks. That should work… but you’ll get voicemail, they’ll call within a week and you can schedule ANOTHER call, that will take another week, which should get you the procedure you need, unless it takes another round.

You could try your CFI, unless he’s gonna charge you $50/hr, cause he prolly doesn’t know and this could rack up some hours. The FSDO is there to help you, I think it’s good practice to try and resolve something through them.

Have fun in training!

Oh oh oh, try the help desk on medexpress… that may work.
If you've not yet been to the doctor, just tell him you erred when you get there. He can fix it. Or you can get a different email address and just start over on the application. Ones that are filed but never opened by the doctor just time out after a couple of months.

If not, it's no big thing really.
This one has been filed that’s why I was worried. He deferred it already. Wasn’t sure if I just needed to do a new one, or if I had any options for telling the FAA that the current one is wrong.
Ha! You mean you LIED on a FEDERAL form? That’s a FELONY!!!!

Not… No, this isn’t a big deal.

This is, however, a good learning point in that it could easily take a week of phone calls to figure out how to get it fixed. Won’t be the last time you do this…

Start with your AME. They rarely return calls or even know how to do much along these lines. Then try literally calling your local FSDO and talking to one of those nice folks. That should work… but you’ll get voicemail, they’ll call within a week and you can schedule ANOTHER call, that will take another week, which should get you the procedure you need, unless it takes another round.

You could try your CFI, unless he’s gonna charge you $50/hr, cause he prolly doesn’t know and this could rack up some hours. The FSDO is there to help you, I think it’s good practice to try and resolve something through them.

Have fun in training!

Oh oh oh, try the help desk on medexpress… that may work.
Thanks for the suggestions! I’ll start with medexpress helpdesk and FSDO and go from there.
This, is a yawn.
In my mind it isn’t a big deal because I don’t have a license and the form also states I have never applied for medical before, but it’s my first time dealing with the FAA so I don’t really know what to expect when a mistake like this is made.
It might seem like a big deal because of the effort you MIGHT have to make to fix it. It might seem like a big deal because someone may be irritable along your path to fixing it (not super likely). But rest assured, it isn’t ACTUALLY a big deal.

It’s kinda ironic… the FAA is more likely to find a single pill you took for something 25 years ago (even if your 22), 40 years from now that you never fessed up to… than to EVER notice this mistake! Ha!
It might seem like a big deal because of the effort you MIGHT have to make to fix it. It might seem like a big deal because someone may be irritable along your path to fixing it (not super likely). But rest assured, it isn’t ACTUALLY a big deal.

It’s kinda ironic… the FAA is more likely to find a single pill you took for something 25 years ago (even if your 22), 40 years from now that you never fessed up to… than to EVER notice this mistake! Ha!
Well that’s encouraging at least! I’ll make attempts to correct it but if nothing goes as planned I guess I’ll find out when I get my letter in (hopefully) a few weeks. I’m only 4 hours into training so I’ve got some time to figure this out before my first solo.