Had a similar event here in JAC about 12 years ago..
Clear night,, dead calm and not a cloud in sight and out of the blue, a 75 mph gust front blows through.. Lasted maybe 2 minutes, then dead calm again... Weird for sure...
There were a couple of 737's and a Brazialla on the commercial ramp in front of the terminal... It blew the Brazilla into the sage brush. One of the 737's jumped the chocks that were on the front tires ONLY, turned it 90 degrees... The cleaning clew was so spooked they literally ran out of the planes open cabin door,,, only to find out the stair truck was 50 feet away... The fall really didn't hurt them..
,,, The sudden stop hitting the concrete ramp broke a few bones though.
The fix was to chock ALL three tires, not just the nose... If the mains cannot rotate then the nose stays still...
Been working perfect ever since...